Thursday, December 8, 2011

Khimar (veil)

Khimar (veil)

The Qur'an also comes with a word other than the express jilbab words head covering as embodied in Surat An-Nur: 31, means: And say to the women who believe:
"Let them hold the view, and maintain his cock, and do not reveal her jewelry, except for the usual look at him, and they should have lowered the veil of cloth on his chest ...

Khumur word in the verse fragment forms jama '(plural) of the word Khimar commonly interpreted in the Indonesian language as a veil that is not wide and not long, are not we seeing the true meaning of the Qur'an when it came to the Prophet Muhammad then Mufassirin (scholars expert commentator of the Qur'an) a different opinion and we'll see a little reduction or narrowing of the meaning of meaning at the time.

Imam Qurtubi khumur translate more broadly, that is all that covers her head be it long or not, as well as Imam al-Alusiy he translated with words meaning miqna'ah headgear too, without explaining the shape concretely the length or width.

Verse of the Qur'an in order to lengthen the cloth over the lid to the chest are taken from the word juyuub (pocket-pocket) so that women only wear a head covering without grow it into the chest so she still has not carried out the orders the paragraph above, in other words the head cover according to the above paragraph should be long over his chest and surrounding areas, in addition there is also a Muslim clothes that cover it. But if we are careful words juyuub further and when we also look at the verse was revealed because then we will find some of the meaning of paragraph (opinion) are expressed by different mufassir with the above understanding.

The word "juyuub" in the above verse also read jiyuub in seven readings of the Qur'an that gets the legality of the Muslims and the scholars past and present (qira'ah sab'ah), is a form of words juyuub jama '(plural) of jaib which means the upper hole of the shirt that showed the neck and base of the neck. Imam Alusi explain jaib, interpreted with a hole to put the money or the like (pocket) is not valid in the sense that people speaking Arabic as Al-Qur'an down, as Ibn Taymiyyah also argue the same, Imam Alusi also added again and said: "But even if interpreted in the pocket is also not wrong", the justification that the meaning jaib she is a pocket earlier, Imam Alusiy means agreed that the hijab head covering, veil or the other is the need to close the chest, although he did not express it in words that clearly implicitly and explicitly, but he did not blame that opinion.

Imam Bukhari in the book of hadith shohihnya, he agreed when jaib defined by holes in the clothes to save money or the like (your pocket) but otherwise in Sharh Saheeh Ibn Hajar Bukhariy (book or comments to an author writing a book to be agreed on an explanation , or do not agree on an explanation, or explain the purpose of the original author of the book) entitled Fath al-bari, Ibn Hajar explains that jaib is a piece of clothing as the discharge head, hand or the other. And many other scholars who agree with Ibn Hajar, while Al-Ismaili jaib interpret it with a circle of ape suit.

Discussion of the meaning of this jaib was important because the location is certainly more in your pocket than in monkeys or lower neckline dress, then whether a headdress that covers only the neck and base of the neck but not yet close to the pocket (ie the chest) is already fulfilling orders Allah in the Quran verses above.

Of meaning jaib who still opposed the meaning of the word Juyuub in the verse above also still can not find the point of consensus of opinion, pocket or hole head. So that when interpreted pocket then cover their heads with a headscarf or veil is not enough fabric with a short, or small but must be long and wide so it can close the pocket. And if juyuub in the paragraph above the mean hole for neck dress then close enough head wear that can cover the whole aurat perfectly without any flaws that could reveal the skin and not necessarily in the long, into the chest.

But if we go back to the revelation of the verse because, as mentioned in the works of Imam Suyuti Lubabun Nuqul when Asma 'bint Martsad was in the garden grove away, at the time the women came in without wearing a cover (perfect) so that the foot appeared, chest, and the end of their long hair, then said Asma ',' What a terrible scene, "then came down the paragraph above.

Lighter Imam Qurtubi explains why this verse was revealed that because the women in those days when they cover their heads off and let the cloth covering it over his head so as not to cover his head again and there was neck and two ears with no cover on it, so why then Allah ordered to anchor the fabric scarf to his chest so that the neck and ear and their hair covered, but Imam Qurtubi but further explains how to wear headgear, namely with a cloth to wrap jaib (pocket or hole neck) so that their breasts are also involved covered.

From the second drop in the paragraph above because it seems to be taken in common that the above verse down because of genitalia (in this case the neck, ears and hair) is still covered with a cloth hood, so the above verse descended, ordered to close, in other words, elongate cloth scarf or hijab to jaib (pocket or hole neck) it is a way to close the genitalia described by the Qur'an according to the circumstances of women that period, meaning that if the nakedness was covered without the need to lengthen the cloth hood or scarf to his chest then command is not required to lengthen it again because it is a way to elongate genitalia are aimed at closing if the goal of closing genitalia had been achieved without lengthening the cloth into the chest due to different circumstances and customs are not the same then it is fine.

In summary jaib with the neck hole is the meaning of interpretation in accordance with paragraph sabab downs above, and lengthen the cloth hood or scarf to his chest is not required by the Quranic verse above, because the mandatory is close genitalia without an iota of blemish that appeared skin of female genitalia.


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