Friday, December 16, 2011

Hijab Virtue

Hijab Virtue

Hijab is obedience to Allah and His Messenger
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has required obedience to Allah and His Messenger is based on the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And it is not inappropriate for a man who Mu'min nor mu'minah for women who, when Allah and His Messenger have set a determination, will be there for their choice (other) about their affairs. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he indeed has gone astray, with a manifest error. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 36)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also ordered the women to use the hijab as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And say to the believing women
: "Let them hold the view, and maintain his genitals, and they do not reveal her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof." (Surat An-Nur: 31)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"And be ye remained in your houses and do not ornate and behave like the people of ignorance." (Surat al-Ahzab: 33)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"When you ask for a (need) to them (the wives of the Prophet), then ask for from behind the veil. Such a way that it purer for your hearts and their hearts. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 53)

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters and wives of the believers: "Let them extend their scarf around your body." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
Messenger of Allaah said: "She's nakedness" means is that she must cover her body.

Hijab is' Iffah (glory)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala makes the obligation to use the hijab as a sign of 'Iffah (refraining from immoral).
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters and wives of the believers: "Let them extend their scarf to the whole body. That is so they are easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 59)

That's because they cover their bodies to avoid and refrain from bad deeds (sins), "and they will not be disturbed". So the wicked will not bother them. And the word of God "because they are not disturbed" as a sign that know the beauty of a woman's body is a form of disturbance in the form of slander and evil for them.

Hijab is the sanctity
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
"When you ask for a (need) to them (the wives of the Prophet), then ask for from behind the veil. Such a way that it purer for your hearts and their hearts. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 53)
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala hijab qualifies as a sanctity to the hearts of the believers, men and women. Because the eye if not hatipun no desire to see it. At times like this, then the liver will not see more holy. The absence of slander when it is more visible, because of hijab destroys the desires of people who have the disease in his heart, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
'So ye shall not be subject in speaking so that people who have disease in their hearts desire. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 32)

Hijab is a protective
Messenger of Allaah said:
"Verily, Allah is Shy Love and Protect and shame and protection"
His words of others:
"Those of women who undress in addition to his house, then Allah Almighty had ripped it from her home protection."
So return commensurate with his actions.

Hijab is taqwa
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says
"O Children of Adam! Verily We have sent down to you clothing to cover auratmu and beautiful clothing to jewelry. And clothing that's the best god-fearing. "(Surat al-A'raf: 26)

Hijab is the faith
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says no women except to believers: "And say to the believing women." (Surat An-Nur: 31). Allaah also says: "And the wives of the believers." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
And when the women of Bani Tamim met Ummul Mu'minin, Aisha may Allah be pleased with thin clothing, he said: "If you guys believing women, then (know) that this is not the clothes women of faith, and if you are not a faithful woman , then please enjoy the clothes. "

Hijab is haya '(shyness)
Messenger of Allaah said:
"In fact every religion that has a good character and morals of Islam it is a shame."
His words of others:
"Shame it is part of faith and faith is in heaven."
Word of the other Apostles:
"Shame and faith join together, when one of them in the lift so that another party would be lifted."

Hijab is ghirah (jealousy)
Hijab is in tune with the feelings of jealousy which is the nature of a perfect man who is not happy with treacherous views which are mapped to the wives and female children. How many wars occurred during the Islamic period of Ignorance and the result of jealousy over a woman and to maintain his honor. Ali ibn Abi Talib Radiyallahu 'anhu said: "It has reached me that the women you jostle with men infidels' Ajam (non Arab) in the markets, do not you feel jealous? Indeed there is no kindness to someone who does not have feelings of jealousy. "

Several conditions must be fulfilled hijab:
1. Covering the whole body based on the opinions of women-most rajih / light
2. Hijab itself is basically not the jewelry.
3. Thin or thick and not transparent.
4. Loose and not narrow or tight.
5. Do not wear perfume.
6. Not resemble kaafir women clothes.
7. Not resemble men's clothing.
8. Do not mean to show it off to people.

Do not decorated too much
If you pay attention to the terms mentioned above will be apparent to you that many of the women today who call themselves as a veiled woman, when in fact they are not veiled. They do not call the veil with real names. They named tabarruj as hijab and immorality named as obedience.
The enemies of the Islamic revival desperately trying to derail her, then God foiled their guile and affirm the people Mu'min above obedience to his Lord. They take advantage of the woman with dirty ways to turn her from the path of God by producing the veil in various forms and named it as a "middle way" that with it he will get the pleasure of his Lord, as their recognition-and at the same time he can adapt to its environment and still maintain her beauty.

We hear and we obey
An honest Muslim who will receive the command of his Lord and immediately translate it in real charity, of love and respect for Islam, the Shari'a proud of him, hear and obey the Sunnah of His Prophet and do not care about the state of misguided people who turn away from reality the truth, and will fail to return that he looked forward to. Denying the faith of God turn away from obedience to Him and to His Messenger
"And they said:" We believe in Allah and the messenger, and we obey (both). "Then some of them turn away thereafter, from time to time they were not people who believe. And when they are summoned to Allah and His Messenger, in order to punish the apostles (judge) in between them, suddenly some of them refused to come. "(Surat An-Nur: 47-48)

Another word of God:
"The response of the believers, when they are summoned to Allah and His apostle apostles to punish (prosecute) between them was saying:" We hear and we obey. "And they are the ones who are lucky." And those who obey Allah and His Messenger and fear Allah and fear Him, then they are the ones who get the victory. "(Surat An-Nur: 51-52)

From Shofiyah bint Syaibah said: "When we were together A'ishah, he said:" I remember going to the women of Quraysh and their virtues. "Aisha said:" Surely the women of Quraysh have rewards, and by God, I do not see a woman who more confidence to the book of Allah and more sure of his verses exceed Anshor women. When it comes down to them the verse: "And let them put her veil cloth to her chest." (Surat An-Nur: 31) So the husband immediately went to their wives and read what Allah revealed to them. They recited verses to his wife, daughter, brother of the woman and her relatives. And none of her immediately unless the stand to take a cloth curtain (curtains) and cover the head and face, because the trust and faith in what Allah revealed in His Book. So they (walk) behind the Messenger of Allaah with a cloth cover as if on top of his head there is a crow. "
(Quoted from the book: الحجاب Al Hijab. Penebit: Darul Qosim دار القاسم للنشر والتوزيع PO Box 6373 Riyadh 11 442)


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