Saturday, December 24, 2011



How does the hijab in accordance with the Shari'a?
In accordance with Islamic headscarves if they meet the following requirements:

Covering The Entire Body
Not given the ornaments to invite men to view it
Allah says:
"Say (O Muhammad) to the women who believe they should lower his gaze and guard their pubic eye, and do not reveal their adornment except what is usually visible from it. Let them put down and stuck my hijab over their collar (chest-chest they are) ... (An-Nur: 31)

Thick, Not Thin
The Prophet said:
"There will be later at the end of my people among the women who dressed but essentially they were naked ..."
Then He said:
"Curse them because they were accursed".
 (Narrated Ath Thabrani with a saheeh sanad as stated by Shaykh Albani in his book Al mar'ah Al Jilbab Muslimah, p.. 125)

Ibn Abd al-Baar said, "The meaning of the Prophet in his saying (above) are the women who wear clothes of flimsy material that reveal body shape and does not cover it then it is termed a woman just like they are dressed but essentially they were naked".

Width Is Narrow / Tight
Usama bin Zaid said, Rasulullah shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam I put on thick clothes Qibthiyah Dihyah awarded by Al-Kalbi to him so I told my wife to dress. One time he asked, "Why do not you wear Qibthiyah it?" I replied: "I give to my wife". He said: "Tell your wife that she wore the cloth after wearing these clothes because I'm afraid the clothes will describe her shape". (Reported by al-Maqdisi Dliya Adl, Ahmad and Bayhaqi with a hasan chain of transmission, said Sheikh Al-Albani in the hijab, p.. 131)

Given no Perfume
Because the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"Any woman who wore perfume and then he passed a group of people so that they smell the fragrance of the woman adulteress.
(Narrated by An Nasa'i, Abu Dawud and others, with a hasan isnad Sheikh Al-Albani said in the hijab, p.. 137)

Not Resemble Men's Clothing
Abu Hurayrah said: "The Messenger shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam cursed men who wear women's clothing and women who wear men's clothing".
 (Narrated by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and others. Classed as saheeh Shaykh al-Albani in the hijab, p.. 141)

Not resemble The Pagan Women's Clothing
Because the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his saying many commands us not to resemble the disbelievers and did not resemble them both in terms of worship, the feast / celebration or their distinctive clothing.

Not an outfit for the fame, the clothing worn by the famous order among human beings, just the same if the clothing is expensive / luxury with a view to boast in the world or the crappy clothes worn in order to reveal asceticism and riya.

Ibn al-Athir said: Clothing worn was famous among humans because the color is different from the colors of their clothes to the man looked up at him be the last to feel proud of themselves and arrogant. Rasulullah shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"Who wears clothes to fame in the world then Allah will put it on the Day of Judgement humiliation clothing and then lit the fire her". 
(Narrated by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah with a hasan isnad Shaykh Albani said in the hijab, p.. 213)

We therefore adapted an answer from the book of al-Muslimah Hijab Al mar'ah written by Sheikh Muhammad Al-Albani Nashiruddin. And Allaah knows best.

Aurat Of Women
Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-'Utsaimin rahimahullah memfatwakan: "Aurat woman in front of other women are not different because of religious differences. So that woman aurat with a Muslim woman with kafirah female aurat, and female aurat with a 'Afifah (honor guard) is the same with female aurat fajirah. Unless there are other reasons for requiring more care of myself. However, we should realize that nakedness was not measured from the clothes, because that name clothing must cover the body. Although the female aurat with other women is between the navel and the knees, but the clothes the nakedness of the case while other cases. If there was a woman wearing clothes that cover her body with a good / neat then looked her chest or both breasts for one reason or another in the presence of another woman, while she was wearing clothes that cover her body well, then it's okay. But when she wore a short dress that just covered the navel down to his knees on the grounds aurat of women with other women is from the navel to the knee then this should not be, and I'm not sure there are people who think so. "

(Majmu'ah As'ilah Tuhimmul Usratil Muslimah, p.. 83-84)


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