How To Wear Hijab According To The Scholars
How to wear hijab with the original meaning is, before being absorbed into the Indonesian language is the language of the standard, is a rule where the Companions and the scholars' opinions differ when interpreting the Quranic verse above. How to wear hijab difference between companions and also between the cleric was caused how "idnaa'ul hijab" (veil or anchor off) that exist in that verse. Ibn Mas'ud in one of history from Ibn Abbas explains how the Quran described idnaa words' is to cover all the face except one eye to see, while the companions of Ibn Abbas history Qotadah and others say that the way to wear it is with close the forehead or the forehead, nose, with both eyes open. As for Al-Hasan argues that wearing the hijab is mentioned in the Qur'an is to cover half the face, he does not explain the half of which are closed and are opened or not covering her face at all.
Companions of the difference of understanding about the paragraph above it appears the opinion of scholars that requires wearing niqob or burqo '(veil) because all the female body is aurat (parts of the body that must be closed) such as Abdul Aziz bin Baz, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abu al-A'la al- Mawdudi in Pakistan and not a few scholars Turky, India and Egypt, which requires that for a Muslim woman to wear a veil covering her face, That the above as written by Dr.Yusuf Qardlawi in Fatawa Muashirah, but he himself also has the opinion that the face and palm of her hand is not the nakedness that must be closed in front of other men who are not mahram (men are allowed to marry), he also asserted that it was not his own opinion, but there are some scholars who think the same, like al-Albani and Nashiruddin the majority of scholars of Al-Azhar University, also believes wear Qardlawi niqob or burqo '(veil) is a high religious consciousness which when imposed on others, then coercion is judged less good, because women who do not cover her face with a veil also follow the ijtihad Ulama are qualities in his ijtihad accountable.
While the four schools, Hanafiyah, Malikiyah, Syafi `iyah and Hanabila argued that women face is not the nakedness that must be covered in front of other men if not feared as much happens"fitnah jinsiyah" (sexual temptation), arouse sexual desire of men who saw . While Syafi'iyah also argue that women face and the hands are aurat (parts of which must be closed) like the one in the book Madzahibul Arba'ah, permission to open the palms of the hands and face for women because women think they can not escape to interact with surrounding communities both in the bargain, Shahadah (testimony of a case), preaching to the people and so forth, all of it will not work if they are not perfectly open and visible.
In summary, the Islamic Salafi clerics (classic) to the muashir (modern) are still at loggerheads in the case mentioned above. For Muslim women may choose according to the opinion that he is the most correct and authentic also to consider other things more useful and important than just covering the face is only aimed at avoiding fitnah jinsiyah who still can not clear that it was indeed caused by opening the face and the palm hand only.
Imam Al-Kasysyaf Zamahsyari in other ways mentioned by the scholars wear the hijab is to cover the top starting from the eyebrows and rotating the cloth to cover the nose, so the look is both the eye and surrounding areas. Another way is to close one eye and forehead and appeared next to the eye alone, this means more meetings and more can be covered from the way he was. Manner hereinafter mentioned by Imam Zamahsyari is to cover the face, chest and lengthen the cloth veil was down, in this case the veil should be long and not enough if only cover the head and neck alone but must also chest and body, above ways are opinion of scholars in interpreting the verses of the Qur'an or rather when interpreting the word 'idnaa' (anchored off the veil or down).
Well, maybe from this came the idea that the head should be covered or closed with a length of cloth that can cover the chest and arms and bodies than there are clothes that had covered it, because veiling according to Ibn Abbas is a long cloth that covers the body, so if a Muslim woman only wear headgear are relatively small in size that only cover your head then he still has not said to be veiled and yet sinners, not perfect because of veiling as instructed in religion.
But once again closed above his head like it was a high awareness in fulfilling the call of religion for many scholars who do not require such a way. We are not required to follow the opinion of one scholar and blame others for this problem is a problem ijtihadiyah (which may be incorrect and may be right according to Allah SWT) is right according to Allah Almighty will have two rewards, the reward of ijtihad, and ijtihad reward of truth in it, and for ijtihad is wrong in getting a reward is the reward of ijtihad that alone, is when the diligence was to meet his terms. It was a mistake when we impose the opinion that we follow and we believe to be true to others, let alone to blame other opinions to the contrary without tendency to postulate a strong argument in the Qur'an and the Hadith, or Ijma '.
The scholars agree that enough private parts with a cloth cover that is not transparent so that skin color is not visible from the outside and also not strictly a form curves, because the clothing is tight or transparent thus can not prevent the occurrence of "fitnah jinsiyah" (sexual temptation) for males men who look intentionally or unintentionally even more stimulating is the opposite of this, on the basis of the opinion that the scholars agree that the fabric or garments that such models can not be used close the aurat, such as the desired "Shari'ah" and "Maqasid "(purpose of establishing a religious law) is to avoid 'fitnah-jinsiyah' (sexual temptation) which caused women.
Furthermore, if we examine the reasons the revelation of the verse above is when people Fasiq interfere with the independent women quibble can not distinguish between women's independence from slave women (women who can be owned and traded), then if the cause of such no longer exists today, because it Sedah no slaves, then that means close to the way idnaa 'anchored to the chest and surrounding areas in order to distinguish between them also was no longer required, while if there is still some way to do so with reason to be more cautious and on guard to prevent the occurrence of "fitnah jinsiyah" (sexual temptation) then is it included in the category of voluntary and is not up to the obligations that must be implemented.
But it could be when the veil was popular in the community so a lot of veiled women seen at malls, markets, offices, campuses, and so forth, but the way they are no longer in accordance with the Divine religions, for example, could cover her hair is not perfect or partial neck opening. Or are there other reasons, such as veiling just follow the trend or to entice men who haram for him or caused a veiled Muslim women are still often violate the teachings of religion in public places so it can reduce and even destroy the dignity and sanctity of Islamic discourse, so needed was time required to mention the distinction between the pillars veiled with a full sense of awareness on the orders of Allah in the Quran of Muslim women who wear hijab just because of these things without understanding the value above the veil itself.
Maybe in a time like that wearing the hijab by anchoring to the chest and surrounding areas are required to form the pillars of distinguishing between the hijab and Islamic ngetrend from wearing the Islamic headscarf and wearing hijab headscarf trendy and forward the values and objectives are defined shari'ah hijab.
Ash-Syaih Athiyah Shoqor (renowned Ulama of Egypt) when asked by the law of a woman who just wore a headdress that could cover her hair and neck without lengthening the cloth covering the chest and the surrounding area, he replied with a share issue closes aurat (head) into three :
Khimar (headscarf): that any form of women's head coverings be it a long shut down the head and body of a woman's chest or that only the hair and neck only.
Niqob or burqo '(veil): namely the cloth covering her face and it already exists and is known from the days before Islam came as written in the letter occurrences in the Gospels. But he said "is also sometimes called Khimar"
Hijab (closed): that is all that is intended to reduce and prevent the occurrence of "fitnah jinsiyah" (sexual temptation) either by holding the view, do not change the tone of her speaking voice to sound more interesting and evocative, close the aurat and so forth, all of them is called hijab for women.
Now for the hijab or head coverings are only to cover her hair and neck and not an iota of blemish, who showed her skin, then it is a minimum in close female aurat. The cloth covering the head when anchoring down the chest and then it's surrounding areas including the law of circumcision should not be done, and should not be forced on others.
He also added that if fitnah jinsiyah it is more possible with the opening of a woman's face because it was too pretty and a lot of eyes that looked so close that the face is obligatory upon him, to avoid further unwanted things, and if the beauty of the woman's face in the equivalent flat average or lower-middle then close it was circumcision. Maybe that says he is the best solution to reach the truth and take the middle road agreements in matters covered his face and veiled women from the beginning until now scholars still debate about how, mandatory or not mandatory covering the face.
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