Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hijab Is Views About The United Kingdom's

Hijab Is Views About The United Kingdom's

Soha Sheikh, a young resident of London, says that there is no contradiction between being British by wearing the hijab, a mandatory dress code in Islam.

"I think the veil is a picture of the UK's," said 25 year-old assistant librarian who holds a degree in media studies is to The Independent, Wednesday, January 13 local time.

Sheikh, who has been wearing hijab since bersuia 12 years, said that the hijab is a form of concrete from the essence of multicultural Britain, home to two million Muslims.

"You do not have to always conform to stereotype or a certain style of dress," he said.

"If you get rid of this difference, then this place is not England."

He acknowledged that many fellow Britons who do not have the same views with him about the hijab.

"When we talk about the hijab, the first thing that comes into the minds of many people are" oppressed woman ". It is difficult for some people to accept that this is a symbol of liberation, "he said.

"Hijab is not a sign of separation."

Islam sees hijab as an obligatory fashion, not a religious symbol that shows the person's affiliation.

Rajnaara Akhtar, who grew up in a family with seven siblings all wear the hijab, agrees that public views about the hijab is usually not accompanied by sufficient information.

"With the hijab in Europe there is great misunderstanding about what it is and what it represents," he said.

"Although he has made various efforts to combat this stereotype, I think the opinion that veiled women are oppressed women, or forced to wear clothing ancient times, is still very prevalent."

However, the 31-year-old Muslim woman was adamant that the point of view regarding hijab are not stereotypes lead to discrimination as happened in many other European countries.

"In England, I think the veil itself is not very questionable because it accepted in society."

Many many British Muslim women, wearing hijab decision brought them to a different path.

"Muslim women wearing the hijab for many reasons, including compliance, identity, and even a political statement," said Tahmina Saleem, co-founder of Inspire, a consultancy that helps Muslim women become active members in their communities.

For Sheikh, the assistant librarian, the feeling of being a Muslim who flourished during his trip to Pakistan, his homeland, is what motivated this woman decided memakaijilbab.

"I understand that this is something that exists in our religion. All the people around me are all wearing the hijab, "she recalled.

"It was my own choice."

But after a while, she began receiving her headscarf with a feeling of unity with other Muslims.

"There's a certain level of unity that you feel with other women are veiled, even if you do not know them," he said.

"They often smiled at me on the street and say hello."

Shelina Zahra Janmohamed, 34, was first to wear the hijab at the age of 13 years.

"But I do not wear it all the time."

"I do not wear it at school, or in other places, and I justify it to myself and my parents," he said.

"I also want to separate life at school and at home. As a teenager, I do not know how to integrate these components. "

But when he started college at Oxford University in 1992, Janmohamed began to wear the hijab all the time.

"I feel very comfortable wearing it and people also received."

Janmohamed, author of "Love in a Headscarf", says that the more he read about the hijab more he was convinced that it was part of his identity. (Rin / io)