Hijab Pin Shop Revamp!
I want to thank everyone who supported me and gave me testimonials
for my site and I just wanted to let you know that I couldn’t have come
this far without your kindnesses and support. JazakAllah khairun, love
and respect from the bottom of my heart. May Allah (swt) bless and keep
all my sisters in Islam happy and glowing always inshaAllah and ameen!

Now if you have viewed the testimonials page you’ll have noticed that a lot of
customers are commenting on the packaging of the products. Well that’s
a little bit of a treat I like to give my customers to make them feel
extra special! I’ve developed a notion since I started that I really
wanted to wow my customers when they get their first, second or third
package and so on. So remember if you order with the Hijab Pin Shop you
are sure to get a treat in the mail that you’ll absolutely love. You
won’t find this kind of service anywhere else, so why not give my shop a
I’m thinking of creating a One-Off page where I’ll be putting up pins
which I have created not to be mass produced. The reason for this is
because I often make complicated pins which once I think about it, would
take too long to remake over and over again, so I end up with a pin
I’ll never
put up on the site! So it’s better to sell off what I have rather than
just let it sit in my ‘to do’ or ‘I got carried away’ pile of pins!
Asalam alaikum fellow Sisters in Hijab!I had decided that it was time to make a few changes to my site and products which I’ve been planning to do and dying to get started on. There are several changes to our products and the site just in case you get a little lost in all the glamour!
Next I’ve added a Testimonials page. Actually I added it a little while ago, but if you haven’t seen it yet please do take a moment to read the wonderful comments from our fabulous customers! It might also ease your mind as to the quality and level of service you will receive from me plus the little bonuses of shopping in this particular hijab pin shop!
I have now purchased 3″ stick pins for a simpler hijab pin look for you modest hijabi’s out there who like a delicate or subtle look to your hijab style. I’m doing my best to make sure they will be easily usable as well as gorgeous at the same time. Testing has gone well, I made a pin for myself and it hasn’t broke
I also wanted to mention that the prices have been increased slightly as I have purchased some new material that is better in quality then what I had before. So even if the product does look the same I can assure you that the subtle differences are because of the better value of the products. I wanted to give my customers something worth buying and getting excited over that would last with you for a while. I always make sure I test my products and new innovations before I release them to the public so you can be sure that what you get is exactly what you expect; great quality beautiful products and great service all around!
The Special Collection page may be removed in the near future as I have come into a position where I cannot entertain larger pin requests. The reason for this is because it takes days to make one pin, and my condition has changed that I won’t have that kind of time anymore
Lastly I wanted to let you guys know that I may be disappearing somewhere around after Eid-ul-fitr as I am expecting a package of my own lol! So I may have my hands busy with other things and I won’t be able to attend to hijab pin requests. Fear not, I will still be around and if you have any urgent needs of anything on the site I’ll do my best to help you out!
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