Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hijab For Awrah

AwrahThe Arabic word awrah refers to the parts of the body which must be covered with clothing. Awrah is any part of the body, for both men and women, which may not be visible to the public. Awrah is interpreted differently depending upon the sex of the company one is in.MenMost Muslims accept that for men everything between the navel and the knee is awrah and therefore should be covered at all times.WomenRules for women are more complicated. There are a number of scenarios for women:    In front of unrelated men (Muslim or non-Muslim),...

Hijab in Scripture

Hijab in ScriptureWhat the Qur'an says about the veil and modestyThe Qur'an makes a few references to Muslim clothing, but prefers to point out more general principles of modest dress.    Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.    24:30    And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their...


HijabIntroductionA girl wearing a headscarf reads the Qur'an A girl studying the Qur'anHijab is an Arabic word meaning barrier or partition.In Islam, however, it has a broader meaning. It is the principle of modesty and includes behaviour as well as dress for both males and females.The most visible form of hijab is the head covering that many Muslim women wear. Hijab however goes beyond the head scarf. In one popular school of Islamic thought, hijab refers to the complete covering of everything except the hands, face and feet in long, loose and...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hijab row ignites new Islam related controversy in Spain

Hijab row ignites new Islam related controversy in Spainby Soeren KernSource: Hudson New YorkA Muslim schoolgirl in Spain has been suspended from a public school in Madrid after refusing to remove her Islamic headscarf during an exam.The girl’s parents have filed a lawsuit against the school and the incident has reignited a long-running debate in Spain over the use of head-covering hijabs, face-covering niqabs and body-covering burqas in public...

A Muslim alternative to Miss Universe?

A Muslim alternative to Miss Universe?by Sylviana HamdaniSource: Jakarta GlobeAt the Puri Agung Grand Ballroom in West Jakarta last Tuesday, 10 young women appeared on stage in colorful hijabs and dresses. Sitting on the floor with an open Koran, they chanted the holy verses, mesmerizing the audience with their clear, sonorous voices.The young women were all finalists of Muslimah Beauty 2011, a beauty pageant held for young Muslim women in Indonesia.“It’s...

Nasya Bahfen: A Modern Muslim woman balancing career, family & faith

Nasya Bahfen: A Modern Muslim woman balancing career, family & faithby Raidah Shah IdilSource: MuslimVillage.comAre you a single Muslim woman with a good career? Are you starting to feel like you’re on the ‘wrong side’ of 20, or (gasp!) 30? Do you struggle with the usual “Are you married yet?” questions? Read about the experiences of Dr Nasya Bahfen, and know that you’re not alone!MuslimVillage’s Raidah Shah Idil interviewed Dr Bahfen, a lecturer...

Reality TV show lifts veil on Muslim Americans

Reality TV show lifts veil on Muslim AmericansIt’s been a decade since the September 11 attacks and many Americans still don’t know quite what to make of their 2.75 million Muslim compatriots. Could a reality TV series help?“All-American Muslim,” which premieres Sunday on the TLC cable channel, lifts the veil on five Arab American families in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan and finds their lives are, in many ways, not so un-American at all.There’s the Amen family, whose outspoken tattooed daughter Shadia is engaged to an Irish American from Chicago...

My Hijab, My Identity, My Freedom

My Hijab, My Identity, My Freedomby Khalida JamilahSource: MyHighschoolJournalism.orgFemale teenagers tend to define themselves by physical appearance like fashion, hairstyle, favorite music, or the most up-to-date gadget like iPad. Popular culture celebrities, especially those who come from Hollywood or appear in their favorite Disney channel become an idol for most of American teenagers.A question arise: How do female teenagers define their identity...

Hijabi for a day for a Jewish Jihadi

Hijabi for a day for a Jewish Jihadi by Sara WeissmanSource: http://jihadiyehudi.blogspot.in WHY HIJAB? From the businessman’s suit to a goth’s band T-shirt, we all know that clothes are more than cloth. What we choose to wear is a sign of who we are, what we aspire to be, and how we choose to represent ourselves. So imagine wearing your heart on your sleeve, or rather your religious devotion over your head. The concept of hijab, the headscarf worn...

One Million in U.S. To Don Hijab for Slain Iraqi Woman

One Million in U.S. To Don Hijab for Slain Iraqi WomanBy :Press TVSource: tehrantimes.comOne million non-Muslim women in the United States will be wearing hijabs in support of Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi immigrant brutally killed at her home in March.Many non-Muslim women in the United States have posted photos of themselves wearing a headscarf on “One Million Hijabs for Shaima Alawadi,” which is a recently created webpage on Facebook.The Facebook page had about 10,000 likes on April 2.Jean Younis, the office manager at Bonita Valley Adventist Church...

Nigerian Muslims Sue Govt Over Hijab Ban

Nigerian Muslims Sue Govt Over Hijab BanBy Rafiu OriyomiSource: onislam.netABUJA – Muslim lawyers are planning to sue the state government of Nigeria’s largest state of Lagos to reverse a ban on the wearing of hijab at schools.“The decision to go to court is a culmination of several events that affect Muslims especially the policy that bans our female children from wearing hijab to school,” Barrister Adesina Ishaq of the Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria (MULAN), told OnIslam.net.“We feel that Muslims are being denied their right even in a...

US Jailers forcibly remove Muslim woman’s Hijab

US Jailers forcibly remove Muslim woman’s HijabBy Associated PressSource: kmov.com ST. LOUIS — A Muslim civil rights group is calling on St. Louis County to revise its policy that requires female Muslim inmates to remove religious headscarves, but the director of the jail said the headdress can pose a security risk.Faizan Syed, director of the St. Louis chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Tuesday that a 23-year-old Ballwin...

Freedom of The Hijab: Opinion

Freedom of the Hijab: OpinionBy : Ayesha NusratSource: khaleejtimes.comIt’s been over two months since I decided to become a hijabi — one who wears a head scarf and adheres to modest clothing — and before you race to label me the poster girl for oppressed womanhood everywhere, let me tell you as a woman (with a master’s degree in human rights, and a graduate degree in psychology) why I see this as the most liberating experience ever.Prior to becoming...

The Everyday Life of Muslims in Japan

 The Everyday Life of Muslims in Japan Muslims in Japan have widely retained their sense of religious and cultural identity and have generally been established as members of Japanese society; however, the Japanese public must continue to accept these religious and cultural differences in order to maintain a functional society in which the rights of all people are protected.Muslims in JapanThere are an estimated 70,000 Muslims in Japan, out of which 90% are male resident foreigners coming mainly from Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran and Bangladesh,...

Chinese government moves to discourage hijab, beards

Chinese government moves to discourage hijab, beardsA city in heavily Muslim far western China has begun a campaign to discourage headscarves and growing long beards in a bid to “dilute religious consciousness,” media reports said on Thursday.The notice by the government in the Xinjiang city of Yining was uploaded in full by several Chinese news websites, and by Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television, though it then vanished from the Yining government’s...

Wearing Hijab In China Can Result In Funny Experiences

Wearing Hijab In China Can Result In Funny ExperiencesWhen I was assigned to Beijing, China, I had some worries regarding food (I love to eat out) and culture. I was also worried how they would react to my headscarf. I've been there a few years ago, but in the past I have yet to wear a headscarf.My worries are baseless.There are Xinjiang Muslim restaurants across Beijing. And if I am to lazy to walk to the restaurant, Kentucky Fried Chicken fast...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hijab Pin Shop Revamp!

Hijab Pin Shop Revamp! I want to thank everyone who supported me and gave me testimonials for my site and I just wanted to let you know that I couldn’t have come this far without your kindnesses and support.  JazakAllah khairun, love and respect from the bottom of my heart.  May Allah (swt) bless and keep all my sisters in Islam happy and glowing always inshaAllah and ameen! Now if you have viewed the testimonials...

Hijab: A Muslim Woman’s only Achievement?

Hijab: A Muslim Woman’s only Achievement? By : ErenAs a person who interacts with a Western Muslim community that places great importance in women’s clothing and female modesty, I am rarely surprised by the focus on hijab as the sign of piety. Similarly, I have unfortunately gotten used to the obsession in some Western media with hijabs and black robes as symbols of oppression.  Hijab is everywhere. It is in my mosque, in my community, and in the media. However reading the multitude of recent media stories on hijab over the past few weeks,...

Veil Discourse In Islam

VEIL DISCOURSE IN ISLAM By: Ilyas Akbar Muh            There are two terms used in the Qur'an that are used to cover the head, it is khumur and jalabib, both in the plural, and generic. Said khumur (Surat an-Nur: 31) the plural of the word khimar and jalabib (Surat al-Ahzab: 59) the plural of the word hijab.            Al-Quran and al-Hadith \ not specifically mention the form of masks clothes. In fact, the al-Hadith \, face included in...