The number of users in the community Bosnian Moslem clothes and has become a growing trend among Muslim women in Bosnia in recent years. The Bosnian women admitted more find peace with veiled and more appreciated by others when
wearing jilbab
.Berbeda with European countries neighboring Bosnia, in Bosnia itself, is not a law that forbade it. Jilbab regarded as privacy clothes everyone is free to use it. This encourages the growing number of users headscarves in Bosnia and elsewhere t
hat Muslim clothier
also increasingly centers are mushrooming in spending.
Murad Ozkaya, a Bosnian businessman who owns four stores in Sarajevo when interviewed by Aljazeera.net on Tuesday (19 / 8) said the number of users of the headscarf in Bosnia continues to grow each year. Hijab is not only desirable among students, but also
female workers
in public and private sectors.
"Usually they are women who do not wear hijab first visit to the shops hijab and then wear it every few days," said Murad Ozkaya.
However, the challenge when the
Bosnian Muslim
woman wearing a headscarf would normally come from the parents. Many parents who forbid their daughters wear head cover. Not uncommon among those who refused to speak or reduce the amount of pocket money.
Samiyah, one student at the Faculty of Islamic Studies at the University of Sarajevo, said it had wearing
the hijab
since 7 years ago even though their parents angry, because he wanted to obey the commands of Allah. While his friend, Hamida wear the hijab because finding peace of mind and feel more respected others. Hamida criticized the policy of some European countries that forbids wearing a hijab, because it violates the privacy rights of freedom guaranteed in human rights.
Regarding the other driving factors, Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Islamic Studies University of Sarajevo, Dina Nadarafict said, "When Bosnia under Communist rule. Bosnian Women are tired of materialism and hedonism and free-paced life. After communism collapsed, they want to get the spirit and the happiness they get it
in the veil
. "

According to him, besides the influence of the rise of Islamic movements in Bosnia, as well as law in Bosnia guarantee religious freedom for the residents of Bosnia and does not prohibit the use of headscarves in public places.
Each year the Faculty of Islamic Studies University of Sarajevo passed hundreds of veiled Muslim woman. They believe it as clothing in accordance with the Shari'a of Allah SWT.