Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Essence of Wearing Hijab

The Essence of Wearing Hijab Seconds into the second, minute to minute, hour to hour, day after day, month to month to year long, do not feel our age how many now? Said Imam Al Gozali: "What is the closest to us" who are closest to us is death. Where are you going later on, it is definitely heading into the grave and finally heaven or hell eternal place for us. Here I am reminded that my family and my friends in particular and for the general reader (the weather) to know what "essence USE THE VEIL", following the author to convey a true story that...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Let's Wear Hijab

Let's Wear Hijab On this today, Alhamdulillah we have seen many of the veiled Muslim women. May this be evidence of consciousness of the Muslim Allah Ta'ala will command as mentioned in his word in the letter of An Nur: 31:"Say to the believing women, let them hold their views, maintaining their genitals and do not reveal their adornment except what appears normal. Let them wrap their Khimar to their chests, and do not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers ... ... " Word of Allah Ta'ala in surat...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wearing Hijab in America

Wearing Hijab in America A month ago, my wife just got a work permit, working permit. After that, he immediately sent a resume to a few busy places, such as Starbuck's coffee shop, shop franchise that has a global network. When the interview a few days ago, my wife asked the shop manager was: is there a problem if she wore the hijab? Party managers said: no problem. We were happy to receive workers from various cultural backgrounds, he said. Our neighbor's apartment, a black preacher, has just completed a Master of Divinity (M. Div) and will come...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now I have been wearing hijab

Now I have been wearing hijab I was born with the name of Ranita Linkan Kartini, grew up in Surabaya (Indonesia) and then to work in Jakarta (Indonesia). In 1994, I married a Muslim after my first pre-Islamic heritage. When converting to Islam, my family strongly opposed. I strongly disagree mother I embraced Islam. Because my mother a devout Protestant Christian and our family home is a haven priests who are in the learning task. Moreover, later my mother who has four children, two boys and two girls, his daughters embraced Islam. Although I've...

Hijab Becoming Increasingly popular and Trend for Women of Bosnia

Hijab Becoming Increasingly popular and Trend for Women of Bosnia The number of users in the community Bosnian Moslem clothes and has become a growing trend among Muslim women in Bosnia in recent years. The Bosnian women admitted more find peace with veiled and more appreciated by others when wearing jilbab.Berbeda with European countries neighboring Bosnia, in Bosnia itself, is not a law that forbade it. Jilbab regarded as privacy clothes everyone...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Actually I also Want to Wear Hijab

Actually I also Want to Wear Hijab Sister that not he was kept a lot of excuses: "God has not given meguidance. Actually I also wish he was kept, but about what if untilnow God has not given me guidance?, Pray me to immediately getguidance! " Sister who argue like this has been mired in a real mistake.We would like to ask: "How do you know that God has not giveguidance? " If the answer is, "I know", then one of two possibilities: First, he knows the unseen which is in the book that hidden(Lauhul Mahfuz). He must know also that he was among thosethe...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Being a new Moslem, a New Trend Among Women Learned English

Being a new Moslem, a New Trend Among Women Learned English News-in-law Tony Blair who announced the conversion of a Muslim faith last weekend opened a lot of stories of new Muslims in the UK. Daily Mail lowering topics unusual in their front yard: about new trends confidence in the UK. The findings they mention, there is a trend among educated women in the UK - most are career women - who choose Islam as their new faith. Tony Blair-in-law, Lauren Booth, 43, said he was now wearing the hijab head covering every time they leave home. He also confessed...