The Reasons Make A Woman Falling in Love With Islam
Many reasons that make women fall in love with Islam. Many of the 'surprise' and the response is expressed about the "oppression" suffered by women in "conservative Islamic countries" linked headscarf issue. Already thousands of books and papers that discuss about this.
But even so, we can not deny there are thousands or even millions of women who prefer to cover his private parts with hijab (ed: hejab) even though he was in a community of free society.
Why is the issue of women wearing the hijab continued to discourse? Opinion about a piece of "fabric" that is able to repress the opinion that women are silly and ridiculous. In fact, most of the women felt that the veil (hijab) has been released to them in many ways.
Muslim women are no longer subject to the sexual degradation of women in society if they are wearing hijab. Have you ever heard of a sane woman asks for oppressed or broken? Surely no one who thinks so. Believe me this is felt by Muslim women around the world.
Of course Islam is not merely about the hijab. Hijab is an actual application to the faith and obedience to God. Nevertheless, the obligation would be the use of hijab is fard 'ain for the Eve.
Islamic faith is based on several principles, the first and most important is the concept of one God. Supreme and Eternal, Infinite and Mighty, Merciful and Compassionate, Creator and Provider. God has no father nor mother, not the kids, too. He was not the father of anyone. There is nothing equal to Him. He is the God of all mankind, not from a particular tribe or race.
This concept is obviously very attractive to people who study Islam because it is logical, simple and fair. In a world of complex and often careless, simplicity is very attractive to women. The first thing that stands out about Islam is the concept of one God, Tawheed.
In addition,-which may be of interest to women-is a lot to discuss issues related to Islamic women. Although it is not just limited to about it (women). Islam itself addresses issues related to the whole human race, the young, elderly, sick and helpless, and the rich and powerful. Islam even discuss about the non-Muslims.
Islam is also applicable in modern times. The things that were written 1400 years ago can still be applied to current and foreseeable future. Remarkably, many issues related to women demonstrated the solution through the Quran and Sunnah (the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad shallalahu alaihi wa salam).
Many women wonder about the wisdom behind the large number of wives of the Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah shallalahu alayhi wa salam. Every one of his wives played a certain role in Islam and is often referred back to when seeking to resolve a problem by women.
For example, the first wife of Prophet shallalahu alayhi wa salam, Khadija (ra.) is much older than his 15 years, a wealthy business woman. In this case there are models how when a Muslim woman who married a distant age on it and with greater wealth from him. Prophet provides examples and models how to position ourselves as a husband.
Meanwhile, another reality for women is the fact that a husband and father, and brother and uncle were ordered to protect him. This is related to a woman's natural law. A girl grows into a woman who is safe when he has to protect her family. When he saw the men around her strong, brave and honorable he was able to develop strong self-esteem.
When he grew up and married and became a mother, would she want her husband's protection for himself and his descendants. If we deny that women are like men who are able and play together as a protector, basically we deny the essence of a woman and man lowered position. Humans have a place and role within the family and so are women.
Several other aspects of Islam that appeals to women, such as the right to work, the right to own property, the right to inheritance and so on. Despite all these things are important to a woman, it may not be too attractive to women today because they've got it now.
But what's impressive is that they are given these rights 1400 years ago when the history of marginalized women in Western society as "society" with intellectual inferior to men, but also the main source of oppression and evil. But in Islam, since her arrival she has gained a glorious place.
The last factor is most attractive for a woman to Islam, is the status of a wife, mother and family. Islam puts the family and marriage in a high status. Mothers get the highest position in the "eye" of Islam. There are many examples in the Qur'an, one of them in a letter Luqmaan 31:14-15:
"And We have enjoined on man (do good) to his two mother-father; his mother had conceived him in a weakened state that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your fathers two mothers, only to your return unto me ".
"And if they strive to make with me something that no knowledge about it, then do not follow them, and accompany them in the world with good, and follow the path of people who come back to me, then, is mine only to return, then I -tell you what you did. "
Wife were standing very tall and has a 'notch' is the same with men as human beings. as it is written in Al-Nisa 4:19.
"O ye who believe, it is not lawful for you mempusakai woman by force and do not bother them that they might take back some of what you had given him, except where they do lewdness. And hang out with their worth. Then if you do not like them, (so be patient) because maybe you do not like something, but God made him that much good. "
And the Prophet shallalahu alayhi wa salam said: "And treat women with kindness, and treat women with goodness."
From Abu Hurairah ra he said: The Messenger shallalahu alayhi wa salam said, "The most perfect believer that his faith is the best among them ethical, and the best among you all are the best to their wives". [HR. Tirmidhi]
"The best among you is the best person to his wife, and I was the best among you to my wife." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 3895; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jami ', 3314.
At present existence as a family on the brink of collapse. This occurs because of the intersection of all secular peradabaan upper border. Families are no longer valued as a container in a civilized form generation, but the concept of family as a scourge that dikoar-koarkan about the burden that would bear the economic and related issues of freedom.
Opinion on marriage are stocks for women is ridiculous that digemboskan discourse by feminists, because in fact Islam regulates every civilized in a marriage where the woman is positioned with a lofty position in marriage and family relationships.
Of course all women want a victory for their children and families. Society and life may have changed in many ways, but in many ways the essence of human existence is still the same.
The following story is an excellent moral example of how Islam regards women. The Greeks of Homer's Iliad and we have Mu'tasim.
A Muslim woman was attacked by the Romans in the city of Rome. She was not raped as our sisters in Palestine. He was not killed like our brothers in Bosnia. Her baby is taken from the stomach, such as Muslim brothers in Bosnia when they cut him alive. Nothing like that happened to him.
Abuse that happened to him 'just' disibakkan veil covering her head by Roman soldiers, and then he cried out for justice to his right is protected by Muslim rulers when it was, "Yes Mu'tasim". And the cry reached the ears of the Caliph Mu'tasim Billah.
In a history of the sixth prayer is mentioned Mu'tasim told that aims to gather all Muslims in the mosque. And they said, "What?". Mu'tasim replied that "A report I have heard, a Muslim sister abused her honor in a Roman city."
He said: "Wallahi, I will send the army is so large that when it reaches the first group of soldiers who leave have reached there (the city where the woman lived, Rome), a new group of other soldiers will leave our base. And I will send troops to the city. "
This is the response to determine from a Caliph, when honor a sister touched. In fact, this story continues and remains a story in the history of moral remains the same. And this also is the reason why women love Islam! Wallahua'lam. (Rasularasy /
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