Sunday, November 6, 2011

Between Women and the Hijab/Veil

Between Women and the Hijab/Veil

Now days, many women who wear hijab it's very good at all because Islam does teach this, ie to cover the genitalia so women do not show body parts that must be covered in the general public. But most of all we have to look at the basic purpose of a woman was wearing a headscarf, does indeed follow the teachings of Islam or just position the hijabf as a lifestyle in dress. Based on the hadith of Ibn Umar, the Prophet shalallohu 'alahi wa sallam said:

"Anyone wearing a dress (libas) syuhrah in the world, Allah will disgrace him dressed on the Day of Resurrection, then burn it with fire of hell." (Abu Daud II/172).

Apart from all the basic and primary purpose of a woman wearing a hijab we should not complicate but who deserves to be criticized are when a woman wearing a hijab/khimar, but the behavior and depraved don't support the wearing of the hijab, indirectly and not at the realize it was dropping the dignity of Islam as a religion is good.

Many are women who veiled, but with the Balance by tight clothing so that the curve of a woman's body is visible, it is also inappropriate for a woman who veiled. Usama bin Zaid said: Prophet shalallohu 'alahi wasallam  ever gave me a thick shirt dress of Qibtiyah , which is awarded by Al-Kalbi Dihyah to him. I put the clothes on my wife. The Prophet asked me: "Why do not you wear Qibtiyah clothes?" I answered, 'I put the clothes on my wife. The Prophet then said: "Tell him to wear underwear behind the Qibtiyah clothes, I am worried because the clothes can still describe the form of bones. " (Ad-Dhiya al-Maqdisi: Al-Hadith Al-Mukhtarah I/441).

Aisha once said: "A woman in prayer should wear three clothing: dress, veil and khimar. Aisha had reached its izar (a kind of cloak clothing) and wear a jilbab with izar (Ibn Sad VIII/71). The same opinion also stated by Ibn Umar: If a woman pray, then he should wear the clothes: Dress, khimar and milhafah (coat) "(Ibn Abi Syaibah: Al-Mushannaf II: 26 / 1).

From the above discussion, as a Muslim woman we should be able to put the right position to ourselves, because it indirectly that the clothes we wear is a reflection of our behavior. It is to decide that wearing hijab is a decision that we must seriously, don't ever we wear hijab now, then we cancel at later time. Of course people will judge us negatively by the decisions we've decided we just cancel.

Hopefully this paper, can make the inspiration and benefit to us all Muslim women who always get a blessing from Allah.


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