Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hijab For Muslim Women

Hijab For Muslim WomenNowadays we see many Muslim women who do not wear hijab and if there are not wearing the hijab in order to cover their aurat but with the aim to follow fashion, to be more graceful and other reasons. So that they even wear the hijab but still show their body shape and they still do tasyabbuh to Gentiles. Not only did they insult Muslim women who wear the hijab are Shar'ie, by saying that the old-fashioned clothing, clothing radicals, and they say the hijab (which Shar'ie) is the Arabic culture that is outdated, as well as...

Monday, September 15, 2014

How To Use Clothing According To Islamic Shari'a

How To Use Clothing According To Islamic Shari'aAuthor: Muhammad al-FakkarA. IntroductionOne of the differences with the Islamic system is the capitalist system that the Capitalist system look at issues of domestic social and economic issues regarded as, while the Islamic system issues above are discussed separately in the laws surrounding male-female interactions (nizam al-ijtima'iyyah) . For example, in the system of capitalism there is no term adultery if the male and female do conjugal relationship without marriage-like same origin made ​​mutual...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Wife Wears Hijab, But Tempted To the Open Hijab Job

The Wife Wears Hijab, But Tempted To the Open Hijab Job This problem is actually very complex, but I shorted it. I was a man who worked at one of one of the state institutions in the field of law enforcement, I am a moslim religious, therefore I chose first bride can be brought to the world and the hereafter, although there are several candidates who have a mate who is given including to my parents, but I still choose my wife that now. We do not get restru marriage of my parents, while my in-laws at the time agreed, the time I reached 25, I...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hijab Is a Aurat Cover

Hijab Is a Aurat Cover Authors: Umm Ziyad The discussion this time is the breakdowns of the previous articles that discuss Muslim headscarf issue appropriate Shari'ah at once answers to various comments entry. Hijab is an important part of the shari'ah to be implemented by a Muslim. he not just the identity or be decoration only and is not a barrier to a Muslim to run his life activity. Using a hijab in accordance with guidace of the Pophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is required of every Muslim, same as other acts of worship such as prayer,...

Hijab and Khimar, Muslim Clothing in Everyday Life

Hijab and Khimar, Muslim Clothing in Everyday Life Many misconceptions about Islam in the community. For example, the veil, not a few people thought that the meaning of hijab is a veil. Actually not. Hijab is not hood. Veil in the Qur'an Surah An-Nur [24]: 31 is called the khimar (plural: khumur), not hijab. The veil is found in Surah al-Ahzab [33]: 59, is actually a loose outfit covering the whole body of women from top to bottom. Another common misconception is the notion that it is important Muslim clothing has been closed genitalia, whether...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm Happy in Islam

I'm Happy in Islam Greatest decision I've ever done in my life was also an amazingly simple thing. Utter two sentences creed is, I did a year ago in front of two witnesses. "I bear witness there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His Messenger." I said, and from then on, I became a Muslim. Between confident and a little not believe what he had done, Hilary Saunders attempted to explore its decision. British converts and Al Jazeera journalist was in vertigo. Yordanlah country which will bear witness to the strong faith which has...

Not Wearing Hijab, Woman Can Bring to In Hell

Not Wearing Hijab, Woman Can Bring to In Hell Why do not most inhabitants of hell are women? Narrated Usama bin Zaid, he said: The Messenger Shallallahualaihi wa salam said: "I was standing at the door of heaven (apparently) not most people who go into it are weak people, whereas those who glory (ie: the affluent, people who have status and material happiness) restrained (from entering heaven), but the population hell was ordered to go to hell. I stand at the door of hell, apparently not most who go into it are the women (this saheeh hadeeth...

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Hijab

The Hijab Nowadays, the general perspective of the common folk, with regards to the Hijab, is a totally unguided, misleading vision of an oppressive degradation of women, where individuals are forced to cover themselves and reduced to nothingness in society. This idea is based on misconceptions which in effect hides and distorts the truth behind the veil! The first thing we must understand is the concept of Hijab. The literal meaning of the...