Saturday, March 23, 2013

Muslim Women And hijab matching with Islamic Sharia

Muslim Women And hijab matching with Islamic Sharia Nurtured By: Ustadz Fitrani Haryadi, SE Question: Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.     Ustadz, please explain in more detail how the hijab, or Islamic headscarf-correct in Islam? Jazakallah. [The question of matching readers letter by Nur Diversity and several other students (SMA N Plus Sukowono), students SDIT Al Hikmah, and Muhammad Haris (TKJ. SMK Negeri 2 Jember)] Answer: Wa'alaikum...

Again Hijab Appropriate criteria Shariah

Again Hijab Appropriate criteria Shariah Previously I posted about the appropriate criteria hijab sharia here. There's just the points mentioned criteria mentioned briefly without argument. As for this post, God willing, I will mention the arguments of the criteria mentioned. Criteria appropriate hijab Shari'a: 1. Covers the entire body except the excluded. This criterion is in his words: {يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين...

Facts About Hijab You Should Know

Facts About Hijab You Should Know Fashion History from 4000 years ago have put hijab and veil as clothing that can last from time to time. In the days of ancient Egypt circa 3000-1000 BC, the nobility of women use to cover her hair headdress. although not necessarily support the essence of the veil, but the hair cover is a symbol that distinguishes the nobility and the commoners. In Ancient Greece circa 1000-31 BC, the nobility and women who...

Tips for Choosing the Right Form of Hijab

Tips for Choosing the Right Form of Hijab     Sometimes either consciously or unconsciously, for Muslim women at a particular moment must have experienced trouble in choosing the form of the hijab to be used, it must have been experienced by many Muslim women. So to try to resolve the matter, here are 8 tips to consider that issue election hijab makes us confused sometimes enough to overcome. Here are the tips: Determine the...

Friday, March 1, 2013

This is my Hijab and My Hijab

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 Source: This Is My Hijab What does Hijab mean to me?It means that I am a protected pearl amongst the ocean of predators.The hijab is a covering to conceal my external beauty.My physically beauty is not for just ANYONE. It is for Allah, my One and Only Creator. My physically beauty is for my husband and I want to remain pure for him.My beauty is not cheap and it is not free....