Thursday, February 28, 2013

How should he deal with his sisters who do not wear full hijab?

How should he deal with his sisters who do not wear full hijab? I am a young man who was guided by Allaah – all praise be to Him – four months ago. I am surprised at all the bid’ahs that the people follow, hence I visit this site of yours all the time. I live in a family where all the people pray, praise be to Allaah. I have two sisters aged 14 and 16. They do not wear jilbaabs, rather they just cover their heads. When I try to convince them to...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Is Putting On Hijab a Condition of Reading Qur’an?

Is Putting On Hijab a Condition of Reading Qur’an?What are the rituals before reading the Qur'aan? And, does a sister have to be covered (full hijab) when reading it?Praise be to Allaah.  It is not obligatory for a woman to put on hijaab in order to read Qur’aan, because there is no evidence to indicate that this is obligatory. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said that reciting Qur’aan does not require covering the head. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said...

Ruling on sitting with one who does not pray and who denies that hijab is obligatory

Ruling on sitting with one who does not pray and who denies that hijab is obligatory What is the ruling on being in company with a person who does not pray or fast, he also denies that hejab is obligatory and makes fun of it. I heard him once making fun of A’esha may Allah be pleased with her. What is the ruling especially if he was not one of my womb-related relatives?. Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: These actions of the person you are asking...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hijabers Community Mom

 Hijabers Community  The housewife in Bandung (Indonesia), form a community for their self-actualization. The community, named Hijabers Mom Community (HMC), which was inaugurated by the Chairman of the London Team PKK Netty Prasetyani, coinciding with Kartini Day on Saturday (21/4). By Netty, Netty HMC expected not just to be a community of women only. But, should join hands to participate solve various problems in West Java. In particular,...

Will women wear hijab in Paradise too?

Will women wear hijab in Paradise too? Question: I heard that muslim women would be in islamic hijab in jannah(paradise) too, or she soul not be able to see men other than her mahram relatives .what i knew was that a women must wear niqab and Islamic hijab in this world only. please i need clarification because someone told me a hadith regarding this issue. Answer: Praise be to Allaah. Paradise is the abode of bliss and not the abode of...

Why should I wear hijab?

Why should I wear hijab? This is a good question and there is a beautiful answer! Allaah has commanded us with every action that is good for us and prohibited us from performing every action that is bad for us. Allaah orders the Muslim woman to wear the hijaab when she steps out of the security of her home or when in the presence of strange men. So to wear the hijaab is a source of great good for you – the Muslim woman - for many reasons. Among...

The virtues of Hijab

The virtues of Hijab 1. An act of obedience. The hijab is an act of obedience to Allah and to his prophet (pbuh), Allah says in the Qur'an: `It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His messenger have decreed a matter that they should have an option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and HisMessenger, has indeed strayed in a plain error.' (S33:36). Allah also said: 'And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

One more Indonesian artists who established themselves to wear the hijab

One more Indonesian artists who established themselves to wear the hijab, namely Nuri Maulida. The singer also pesinetron who is now rumored to have married the cleric was sure he was kept GunturBumi not going to lose sustenance. Nuri had expressed reluctance to wear the hijab, but by looking at his colleagues in the entertainment world as Zaskia Sungkar and Zaskia Adiya Mecca that increasingly exist well after he was kept, he was trying to...

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Decision to Wear Hijab Received a Positive Response from people around Her

The Decision to Wear Hijab Received a Positive Response from people around Her There was a changing of the appearance of singer Dewi Sandra (singer from Indonesia). Sandra Dewi is now steadily wearing headscarves (hijab). According to Dewi Sandra, the decision to wear the hijab is her consider carefully. Dewi Sandra insists that his decision to wear the hijab, she had planned for a year. "Last year the debate with himself, because it needs a...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Obligatory Conditions For An Islamic Hijab

The Obligatory Conditions For An Islamic Hijab 1. Covering ALL Of The BodyIt is an agreed position by many respected scholars that the face and hands of the woman must be covered. Some scholars say it is permissible to uncover the face and the hands of the woman as long as there is no fitnah (infatuation) caused by this action. Two things must be taken into considerationIf she is beautiful and beautifies her face and hands with external substances,...

Concerning the standard explanation of the verse of hijab

Concerning the standard explanation of the verse of hijab Question:Assalamu alaikum,I wanted to get clarification on the explanation Sh. Nuh gave on the evidence for hijab. This has been a topic of debate since the hijab ban discussion in France and I'm unclear now on where the requirement comes from.Sh. Nuh writes:'There is no other lexical sense in which the word khimar may be construed. The wording of the command, however, and let them drape...

When must a Muslim girl wear the hijab?

When must a Muslim girl wear the hijab? Question:When is it really permissible for a Muslim girl to wear the hijab? Does it matter when she herself is ready to wear it or is there an age where you would have to? Answer:In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most MercifulIn the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most MercifulPraise be to Allah. May the peace and blessings of Allah shower upon our Beloved Messenger, his family, companions, and those...

Good Hijab, Bad Hijab?

Good Hijab, Bad Hijab? Question:Is it haram or not preferable to wear colorful ornately decorated hijabs? Should one stick to solid colors? I have oftentimes heard different views. I was told that wearing solid, colored, undecorated scarves is "good hijab" because it is more modest. On the other hand, I have heard others argue that wearing beautiful scarves is being modest enough, and that although the ornate scarves are obviously more pleasing...

How Should I Wear My Hijab Correctly?

How Should I Wear My Hijab Correctly?    Question:I want to know how I should wear my hijab correctly. Before I used to wear it like people do in Pakistan. You could see some hairs and the neck, but now I am wearing the hijab where you can just see the face. Now I am confused because my family doesn't want that but I want it. I need any good reason to wear it. I know I have to cover my bosom, but I never read anything about neck or...

Must Muslim Women Wear the Hijab?

 Must Muslim Women Wear the Hijab?  Question:     Why must Muslim women wear hijab? Do some Muslims think that it is not mandatory, while others think that it is? Please show me the passages in the Qur’an relating to women covering their hair.consultant:     Amani Aboul Fadl Farag ------------------------------------------------------- Answer:Hello Carmen,I think I should start by answering the last part...

What It's Really Like To Wear A Hijab

What It's Really Like To Wear A Hijab I wear a hijab (headscarf) so when I’m in the public eye, I am unmistakably Muslim. If you look at me, you’ll also see that I’m some garden variety of Asian. If you talk to me, you’ll see how much I love fantasy novels.I remember officially putting on the hijab when I was 13. Like many Muslim kids, I had been prepped for it by my parents and religious teachers for a few years beforehand. I was taught that...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hijab Will Always Glorify You

Hijab Will Always Glorify YouBlessed is He who is never wrong in planning everything. Scenarios were created perfect, there is no flaw. Each treatise that He sent down to mankind always in harmony with nature so that it does not make sense when there is opposition or no-confidence motion addressed to His word holy. One thing to keep in mind that all the rules that were created by him based on the feeling that is a blend of love, affection, tenderness,...