Monday, January 28, 2013

Why should I wear hijab?

Why should I wear hijab? This is a good question and there is a beautiful answer! Allaah has commanded us with every action that is good for us and prohibited us from performing every action that is bad for us. Allaah orders the Muslim woman to wear the hijaab when she steps out of the security of her home or when in the presence of strange men. So to wear the hijaab is a source of great good for you – the Muslim woman - for many reasons. Among them:...

Wearing and Understanding Hijab in Saudi Arabia

Wearing and Understanding Hijab in Saudi Arabia It’s undoubtedly one of the most misunderstood symbols. The Hijab has been attacked many times, nationally and internationally. Whether you travel through America, Europe, or the Middle East one thing is evident: that you will see a Muslim woman wearing Hijab in some form. I am one of them; I reside in California and grew up in Orange County. I adore American culture, and like so many Muslim women,...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What's it like to wear the hijab in Halifax?

 What's it like to wear the hijab in Halifax?   Anisa finished draping her floral head-scarf around my shoulders and stood back.“What do you think?”I looked into the mirror in the bathroom on the bottom floor of Park Lane and felt—as any secular Westerner might—uncomfortable, but excited. A woman wearing running shoes and her hair in a short bob finished washing her hands next to us and smiled.“It looks beautiful,” she said.When...

Wearing the Hijab, an Overview

Wearing the Hijab, an Overview Muslims girls face many different issues when it comes to wearing the hijab in public. There are many reasons for these issues. Most of the largest issues come from schools where Muslims girls feel it is their right to be able to wear their hijab. Girls that insist on wearing the hijab are told that they are not conforming to the school uniform policy and are forced to take it off.One of the most documented cases...

HIJAB in Light of the Quran and Sunnah

HIJAB in Light of the Quran and Sunnah  Evidences: The obligation of hijab The wives of the Prophet used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqia at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. 'Umar used to say to the Prophet "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam'a the wife of the Prophet went out at 'Isha' time and she was a tall lady. 'Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized...

Putin Against Hijab in Schools

Putin Against Hijab in Schools People’s religious feelings must be respected, but Russia is a secular state, President Vladimir Putin stated in a comment on a recent controversy over a Russian school banning Muslim girls from attending classes while wearing a hijab.“We should see how our neighbors, European states deal with this issue [wearing hijabs]. And everything will become clear,” Putin said on Thursday, at a meeting with Popular Front movement.The...

Russian School Bans 5 Muslim Girls From Classes for Wearing Hijab

Russian School Bans 5 Muslim Girls From Classes for Wearing Hijab A head teacher of a school in Russia’s North Caucasus region banned five Muslim girls from attending classes while wearing a hijab. Indignant parents filed suits at a local prosecutor’s office over the issue. The scandal erupted a week ago at a school in the village of Kara-Tyube in Russia’s Stavropol region. Several Muslim girls of different ages were told they would not be allowed...

Monday, January 14, 2013

He Wants To Wear Hijab and Her Family Don’t Want Her To

He wants to wear hijab and her family don’t want her to. Should she obey them?I am a muslimah & am hoping 2 get married in a few mths Insha'Allah. My parents are from Pakistan & would like me 2 wear a traditional bridal outfit which consists of an embroidered scarf, tunic & long, baggy skirt (lengha). Initially,I had no qualms about wearing this outfit as I would be covered according 2 the Islamic requirements 4 a woman. However, I...

She Has A Friend Who Does Not Wear Hijab

She Has A Friend Who Does Not Wear Hijab She has a friend who does not wear hijab and her mother has told her not to be friends with her; should she obey her mother? I have a friend from high school days who does not wear hijab and I do. I have advised her often to wear hijab, but she does not want to wear it. Now we are in university but my mother is now insisting that I do not go out with my friend or walk with her, because she wears tight...

Four Problems Around Hijab About

1. Ruling on preventing women with improper hijab from entering the mosqueIs it permissible to prohibit women who are not covered in the proper islaamic covering from entering the masjid ? (after they have been given the proper naseeha) Please advise the daleel.Jazzakallahu khayrunPraise be to Allaah Alone, and peace and blessings be upon him after whom there is no Prophet.If a woman comes to the mosque wearing improper hijab, then according to...

Hijab and Being a Muslimah- What it means to a few pearl daisy's

Hijab and Being a Muslimah- What it means to a few pearl daisy's Recently I had an online convo with a few sisters on the Pearl Daisy fan page, sister Naz asked 2 simple questions. The conversation lasted a very long time and there were like 31 comments so I have tried to condense that down to one post and include the answers to the 2 questions below. The conversation is a wonderful example of the online sisterhood, it demonstrates what real Muslimah's...

It’s All About Hijabs

It’s All About Hijabs  When I first took shadadah in the 90′s there wasn’t an abundance of Islamic clothing sites or any Islamic clothing stores in my city. My friends and I, who had no sewing experience, used to go to the fabric store and buy material to “make hijabs”. I chuckle to myself when I think about how we’d buy hemming tape and iron down the edges, lol. During that time the only way a new, Jamerican Muslimah like myself could...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Really Interesting Scientific Study About The Hijab

Hijab, Science And Instincts: A Look At What A Princeton University Study UnveiledI know it's long but it's a really interesting scientific study about the hijab: Study: Men Objectify Scantily Clad WomenBy Amel AbdullahFreelance Writer - United StatesBrainMemory tests performed on the men showed that most of them best remembered photographs of headless women in bikinis despite viewing each image for only a fraction of a second.Anecdotally, Muslim...

The Books of Sunnah concerning the virtue of a woman who wears hijab

He is asking about a hadeeth that we could not find in the books of Sunnah concerning the virtue of a woman who wears hijab I would like to find out about the soundness of the hadeeth which says: “If the woman who is covered completely walks on urine it will purify it.” Is this hadeeth saheeh? What is the full text?. Praise be to Allaah. We could not find any hadeeth with the meanings mentioned in the question or even any hadeeth that is close...

Libas Mohajabat

Malabis Mohajabat - Libas Mohajabat Ukhty, when I saw the list of keywords from visitors of this blog {} via google there are many of them who typed the word "libas mohajabat". I do not know whether the sentence libas mohajabat is the Arabic language or pakistan? Then I try to enter a few words below, I mean if this post will be read by many visitors. Malabis mohajabat - Mohajaba moda mohajabat photo mohajabat 2011 malabis...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ready to use hijab for Special Events and Party

Ready to use hijab for Special Events and PartyDo you want to attend a party invitation? Should grooming like? As a Muslim, of course, obliged to keep the genitals remain closed and still looks okay though understated look. Here are some tips for a stylish appearance but polite to come to the party.1. Inner NinjaAlways use inner ninja hijab, because it will allow you to perform any veil creations. Besides better coverage inner ninja in the closing...

Points Frequently Underrated When wearing hijab

Points Frequently Underrated When wearing hijab In a veiled, sometimes we are less concerned with our appearance. Look neat is not enough, still should pay attention to some things that we still sometimes ignore. The risk of hair loss, lack of appropriate hijab spotty until Shari'a can be a problem? So, we'll share a few points that need to know Companions.1. Various problems in hijabConsider your hijab, hijab whatever type you use, make sure...

Avoid Acne For Women users hijab

Avoid Acne For Women users hijabSome women have problems when using the hijab, especially the face. Are there any of you who use the hijab then a problem with acne, Ladies? Maybe this is the cause.1. Inner hijab worn for daysDo not overlook the basic needs hijab this one. Because the inner depths of the veil or hijab headscarf is a device that is closest to the skin. Now, using the inner veil for days do not turn out well, Ladies. This is caused...

Wearing hijab Tips For Women stature Large

Wearing hijab Tips For Women stature Large One of the problems frequently encountered in the use of the veil is the person who has a great body or a round face. How can performance remains good although overweight and wear Hijab?ClothingChoose age-appropriate clothes. Note the size as when using the clothes that are too tight or too small, it can show the accumulation of fat in your body. Sized loose clothing or loose batwing-like model is recommended....

Hijab Fashion Tips For Rainy Season

Hijab Fashion Tips For Rainy Season The rainy season has arrived. Usually, the wind will also adorn this season. So, prepare a warm outfit seemed a good idea, Ladies. Protect your body from the cold to help us avoid diseases such as flu and colds. Inspiration is drawn from fashion winter hijabers from cold countries that have adapted to the conditions in Indonesia. Given the erratic weather conditions lately, we can not guess when it will be...

Keep Saving Tips for hijab users

Keep Saving Tips for hijab usersAlong with the development of fashion hijab in Indonesia, we often find the product that we want but have dug deep enough pockets. Well .. when we want to look more comfortable and polite.When you are completing your hijab collection but hit the wallet, try to follow these tips.1. Complete Necessity wear hijabThe key that we do not always want to buy all the hijab has to offer is complete basic needs first. Find...