Sunday, August 18, 2013

Reason Of Learning Hijab For Women

Reason Of Learning Hijab For Women Command, if run get rewarded .. as well as an order to close the genitals. Obtained reward and the reward could buy a ticket to heaven. This core than what we do every day both the adam and eve. Most women can not wear clothes that cover genitalia. Both with veiled, wearing long dress is not tight, and much more. As well as working women praying, wearing mukenah (Indonesian Muslim women prayer clothes) that...

Hijab Culture for Islamic Clothing in the Sustainable Fashion Limelight

 Hijab Culture for Islamic Clothing in the Sustainable Fashion Limelight  Long sustainably-made silk robes, vibrant headscarves fro organic cotton, and intricate lace face veils paint a modest, underground and mystical picture of Muslim fashion. Despite the modest nature of Islamic clothing designed to honour the religion, Muslim attire is adorned with bright designs, bold colours and stunning materials. In recent years Islamic clothing...

Hijab Charm Leading Me Towards Islam

Hijab Charm Leading Me Towards Islam Latasha grew up in a devout Christian family. Since childhood he used to read and study the Bible regularly. No wonder when was a teenager, Latasha became a devout Christian. Church was like her own. Latasha enjoy their religious life, even though he encountered a lot of errors from the Bible. Many of the stories in the Bible which he said conflicting. Usually, she was asked confused at her grandmother ...

I Don't Remember How I Outside Without Hijab

I Don't Remember How I Outside Without HijabOne day experiences wearing hijab has brought a 21-year-old British girl to read about Islam and so embrace Islam. Jessica Rhodes tells Muslims Mirror, "I took part in the first World Hijab Day and challenge myself to wear hijab for a month.""I then started to read the Koran and the words of the Quran seems logical and transparent, not as gospel that looks just talk."Rhodes came from Norwich, is one of...

Turkey Remove the Wearing Hijab Ban for Teachers and Lecturers

Turkey Remove the Wearing Hijab Ban for Teachers and Lecturers Turkey under Erdogan's leadership continues to move beyond secularism toward a more Islamic country. Turkish Ministry of Education issued a decision to remove a ban on wearing the hijab for female teachers, Monday (12/8) local time. The decision was welcomed among Muslim women.The Ministry also restore those who were fired for wearing hijab. Turkish newspaper Haber reported, they were...

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Girl Wearing Hijab Is A Wholesaler of X Factor Indonesia Champion

The Girl Wearing Hijab Is A Wholesaler of  X Factor Indonesia Champion Muslim women wearing the hijab is not an obstacle for obtaining accomplishment, hijab for women users have more value in the creativity and talent is not impossible that he would be a champion of women. The story of women's hijab wearers who were successful through the post I will present below. The long journey for 6 months, Fatin Shidqia X Factor is over sweet. Girl...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

She was released the song on the Hijab

Hadith of the Prophet shohih show how noble a woman standing in the eyes of Islam, because it is not wrong if it is stated that she was the sister (brother or sister) of a man, his mother, wife, grandmother, aunt and sister Uwak.    "Women are the siblings of the man or twins"    (HR-Abu Dawud)Woman is also a human being if not he certainly will not be any men, as well as those who desperately needed....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Why I Wear The Hijab and Then It Becomes Your Problem?

Why I Wear The Hijab and Then It Becomes Your Problem? By Aisha Aijaz I am a woman, and I am not a sexual commodity, I'm a human being like you, too. But I'm also a hijab wearer, and know hijab is my identity, it's related to my beliefs. I do not wear hijab at a young age, I did not wear a veil on the orders of a father who suppress. I am compelled to wear the hijab when I was exploring the message of God that I have read since childhood, through...

Hijab Trends In Indonesia

Hijab Trends In Indonesia Hijab user in Indonesia today more and more in various circles, both from the celebrity, students, housewives, office workers, businessmen to government officials. Increasing the hijab users is influenced by a variety of reasons that become cracked inspiration for the hijab users. The first thing is awareness on the order are required to wear the hijab for Muslim women better than women themselves or the willingness...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hijab Charm Of Indonesian X-Factor Participants

 Hijab Charm Of Indonesian X-Factor Participants Allah says in Surah Al-Ahzab: 59: "O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers: 'Let them extend their scarf around the body. 'Thus it is that they are easier to be known, because they are not disturbed. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "And also in Surah An Nuur 31 ..." And let them cover with cloth to his chest crippled ... " God's command is clear...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Does The Girl Who Wears Hijab Have To Cover Her Feet?

Does The Girl Who Wears Hijab Have To Cover Her Feet?  Praise be to Allaah.At the time of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) women were keen to cover themselves completely, which includes covering the feet. They used to let the hem of their garments hang low. One of them asked the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) about letting this hem touch what is on the ground, which may make it dirty, and...

Does She Have To Wear Hijab All The Time?

She lives with her husband’s family; does she have to wear hijab all the time? The Question: I want to ask about the woman who covers her face, if she marries a man who lives with his family and he has grown-up brothers, and he does not have enough money to buy a house or even a room, and she finds that she has no choice but to help his mother in the kitchen, for example, and her husband’s brothers come and go from the kitchen as they need to....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Muslim Women And hijab matching with Islamic Sharia

Muslim Women And hijab matching with Islamic Sharia Nurtured By: Ustadz Fitrani Haryadi, SE Question: Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.     Ustadz, please explain in more detail how the hijab, or Islamic headscarf-correct in Islam? Jazakallah. [The question of matching readers letter by Nur Diversity and several other students (SMA N Plus Sukowono), students SDIT Al Hikmah, and Muhammad Haris (TKJ. SMK Negeri 2 Jember)] Answer: Wa'alaikum...

Again Hijab Appropriate criteria Shariah

Again Hijab Appropriate criteria Shariah Previously I posted about the appropriate criteria hijab sharia here. There's just the points mentioned criteria mentioned briefly without argument. As for this post, God willing, I will mention the arguments of the criteria mentioned. Criteria appropriate hijab Shari'a: 1. Covers the entire body except the excluded. This criterion is in his words: {يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين...

Facts About Hijab You Should Know

Facts About Hijab You Should Know Fashion History from 4000 years ago have put hijab and veil as clothing that can last from time to time. In the days of ancient Egypt circa 3000-1000 BC, the nobility of women use to cover her hair headdress. although not necessarily support the essence of the veil, but the hair cover is a symbol that distinguishes the nobility and the commoners. In Ancient Greece circa 1000-31 BC, the nobility and women who...

Tips for Choosing the Right Form of Hijab

Tips for Choosing the Right Form of Hijab     Sometimes either consciously or unconsciously, for Muslim women at a particular moment must have experienced trouble in choosing the form of the hijab to be used, it must have been experienced by many Muslim women. So to try to resolve the matter, here are 8 tips to consider that issue election hijab makes us confused sometimes enough to overcome. Here are the tips: Determine the...

Friday, March 1, 2013

This is my Hijab and My Hijab

var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push(['siteId', 42238]); _pop.push(['minBid', 0.0005]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]); _pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]); _pop.push(['default', false]); _pop.push(['defaultPerDay', 0]); _pop.push(['topmostLayer', false]); (function() { var pa = document.createElement('script'); pa.type = 'text/javascript'; pa.async = true; ...


 Source: This Is My Hijab What does Hijab mean to me?It means that I am a protected pearl amongst the ocean of predators.The hijab is a covering to conceal my external beauty.My physically beauty is not for just ANYONE. It is for Allah, my One and Only Creator. My physically beauty is for my husband and I want to remain pure for him.My beauty is not cheap and it is not free....

Thursday, February 28, 2013

How should he deal with his sisters who do not wear full hijab?

How should he deal with his sisters who do not wear full hijab? I am a young man who was guided by Allaah – all praise be to Him – four months ago. I am surprised at all the bid’ahs that the people follow, hence I visit this site of yours all the time. I live in a family where all the people pray, praise be to Allaah. I have two sisters aged 14 and 16. They do not wear jilbaabs, rather they just cover their heads. When I try to convince them to...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Is Putting On Hijab a Condition of Reading Qur’an?

Is Putting On Hijab a Condition of Reading Qur’an?What are the rituals before reading the Qur'aan? And, does a sister have to be covered (full hijab) when reading it?Praise be to Allaah.  It is not obligatory for a woman to put on hijaab in order to read Qur’aan, because there is no evidence to indicate that this is obligatory. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said that reciting Qur’aan does not require covering the head. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said...

Ruling on sitting with one who does not pray and who denies that hijab is obligatory

Ruling on sitting with one who does not pray and who denies that hijab is obligatory What is the ruling on being in company with a person who does not pray or fast, he also denies that hejab is obligatory and makes fun of it. I heard him once making fun of A’esha may Allah be pleased with her. What is the ruling especially if he was not one of my womb-related relatives?. Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: These actions of the person you are asking...