Monday, September 10, 2012

Muslim Women Marry Immigrants Deported Threatened Norway

Muslim Women Marry Immigrants Deported Threatened Norway Ali Mosavi, an Afghan immigrant in Norway threatened with deportation. The problem is because he married a Muslim woman in her home country. Norwegian immigration court considers Mosavi have embraced Islam, so the residence permit should be revoked. In front of the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) Norway, Mosavi claimed to have converted to Christianity and was baptized. However, UNE says...

Hijab is My Identity

Hijab is My Identity Bismillah, I greet the friends back to visit my blog. Coinciding with the International Hijab Solidarity Days (IHSD), then I would like to share a little about how difficult keeping the hijab in an environment that is less conducive. This is my first homecoming could say I'm a woman who insisted on maintaining the hijab as an identity. It was tough .. Not a few friends at school used to say that I now have changed. Sister,...

Struggle Of Tajikistan's Muslim For Wearing Hijab

Struggle Of Tajikistan's Muslim For Wearing Hijab Muslim struggle Kulob, Khatlon Province, Tajikistan admirable about hijab. They are prohibited from wearing the hijab, and it's hard to get jilbab at affordable prices. Do not despair, they imported veil of China, despite the consequences to experience itching. Chief Hospital Kulob, Alikhon Murodov said the problems experienced view of Muslim women, it was concluded that the synthetic fabric used...

This Actually Of Hijab Functions

This Actually Of  Hijab Functions "The world is beautiful jewelry and jewelry of world is sholehah woman." (HR.Muslim) She was created by the nature of the heart and soul of tenderness, that's his nature. How beautiful, when she likened sholehah like a blooming lotus in the lake of honey. A gem that always shines though is in the mud though. He has a personal character and are so pretty. Beautiful in Allah's eyes it is not judged on looks...

You Are More Beautiful With Hijab

You Are More Beautiful With Hijab Mslimah Institute of Islamic Chaplaincy Unit Activity (UAKI) UB collaboration with the Institute Mslimah Forum friendship Campus Propagation Institute (FSLDK) on Tuesday afternoon (4/9) to commemorate International Hijab Solidarity Day (IHSD) by the action of long march with the division of the veil, lollipop-mounted I love writing heejab, stickers, brochures containing IHSD history and call to veil, and position...

Perfect Wear Hijab? Choose accordance Face Shape

Perfect Wear Hijab? Choose accordance Face Shape Muslim fashion it is becoming a trend especially with the presence of a unique form of hijab and funny. Just like haircuts, veil selection should be tailored exactly to the shape of the wearer's face in order to look into the perfect Muslim clothing. Well, here are some guides in mimilih customized shape of the face veil. Like what? round face Owner round face should wear veils to cover...

Why I Wear Hijab?

Why I Wear Hijab? A question from Me To My Ustadzah Nadia: "Hello, I am Gita, still studying in high school. I want to ask, how to wear hijab law? Is the Sunnah? "That is my question while pretending to answer himself. I do not care. "Yes, so far as I know anyway. There are many of my friends who enter institutions of Islamic learning. There they wear the hijab, but when it graduated from institutions of Islamic education, they are releasing...

Dozens Year Banned, Now Women who wear the hijab can be Shown on Egyptian TV

Dozens Year Banned, Now Women who wear the hijab can be Shown on Egyptian TV After decades in broadcasting are prohibited from wearing hijab in Egypt, women now wear headscarves Egypt has seen on television, both as a presenter and talk show anchor. Nile News Channel and Channel Egypt began appearing women who wear hijab. "Finally the revolution has reached the media in Egypt," said Nabil Fatimah, presenter wearing a headscarf who appeared first...

British Youths Supporting To Wearing hijab For Muslim

British Youths Supporting To Hijab Wearing For Muslimah The majority of British young people accept the existence of the Muslim community and allowing headscarves in schools. Thus the results of the poll the University of Warwick. From the poll of 10 thousand students aged 13-15 years, it was concluded that 79 percent of Christian teens to support Muslim women should be allowed to wear headscarves in school. While the support of the Christian...

The Hijab Trends in Turkey Unstoppable

The Hijab Trends in Turkey Unstoppable Although still fortified secular constitution, the trend seems headscarf in Turkey can not be dammed. The results of a recent survey released by the Economic and Social Studies Foundation based in Istanbul showed that 60 percent of Turkish women are now wearing headscarves. Lively veil was also followed by the proliferation of Muslim fashion products in Turkey. Observer of Fashion Merve Buyuk added: Muslim...

International Hijab Solidarity Day In 4 September

International Hijab Solidarity Day In 4 September Eight years ago, Muslim leaders across Europe held a conference in London, England. Attended by 300 delegates from 102 organizations as well as international scholars, such as Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, the conference was held to support the hijab, as a reaction to the French government's decision to ban headscarves in educational institutions and public institutions. The conference resulted in the...

The Origin Of The World Hijab Day

The Origin Of The World Hijab Day 4 September is celebrated as the  World Hijab Day. The decision to make this day as special for Muslim women who wear hijab occurred in 2004 in the UK. On that day, hundreds of people who came from various international agencies gathered for a conference following the banning of the hijab in France. In early 2004, the French government passed a controversial ordinance banning the use of religious symbols...

Friday, September 7, 2012

She is Married to a Muslim and Hijab is Putting Her off Islam

She is Married to a Muslim and Hijab is Putting Her off Islam My husbad is Muslim and has talked frequently about me becoming Muslim myself. I just have one concern... the women being covered. Why do they need to cover themselves and only reveal what is odinarily revealed. I am American, we reveal almost the entire body here. I just want to get an understanding. Praise be to Allaah. There can be no doubt that Allaah only enjoins...

Is it Permissible for a Muslim Woman to Appear in Front of A Kaafir Woman Without Hijab?

Is it Permissible for a Muslim Woman to Appear in Front of A Kaafir Woman Without Hijab? You said that it is permissible for non-Muslim women to see a Muslim woman without hijab. I am not convinced yet, because you quoted one hadeeth which says that ‘Aa’ishah appeared before a Jewish woman. I hope that you can explain the matter further, because my in-laws are not Muslim. Praise be to Allaah. There is nothing wrong with a woman looking...

Does Women’s Hijab Have To Be Black?

Does Women’s Hijab Have To Be Black? Is it haraam for a woman to wear coloured clothes even if it fulfils the conditions of hijab? If it is haraam, then is there a hadeeth or verse to prove that? What is meant by saying it should not be an adornment in itself?.  Praise be to Allaah.  The conditions of the hijab of the Muslim woman have already been explained in the answer to question no. 6991. It is not one of these conditions...

Ruling Concerning Ridiculing a Woman who Wears the Proper Hijab and Covers Her Face

Ruling Concerning Ridiculing a Woman who Wears the Proper Hijab and Covers Her Face What is the ruling concerning one who ridicules those who wear the proper hijab and cover their faces and hands? Praise be to Allaah. Whoever ridicules a Muslim woman or man for sticking to and applying the teachings of Islam is adis believer. This is regardless of whether it is concerning woman's hijab or any other matter of the Shariah. This is based on the...