Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Charm Of Women Wearing Hijab

The Charm Of Women Wearing Hijab Islam is beautiful. Islam is just, especially in women. Why in Islam ordered that the veiled woman? To what veiled woman? Apparently, women are advised to veil it to protect himself. Alloh had promised in the Quran Surat Al-Ahzab 59, the veiled woman will not be disturbed and can be differentiated between a Muslim woman or women are not Muslims.Apparently the man who is well liked by nature veiled woman. Imagine when you might buy a cake in the market. First, there is cake wrapped in banana leaves, for example,...

The Hijab For UK Scout Uniform

The Hijab For UK Scout Uniform British Scouts have new uniforms for those who wear the hijab after a request from the Muslim community. The new uniforms with a special design that comes with a hoodie covering his head with such force that imposed the urban adolescent children and a longer shirt. Clothes that reach the knee was motivated scouting activities and describe the spirit of adventure. About 600 scouts ascertained Muslim girls will...

Hijab Took Me to Heaven

Hijab Took Me to Heaven Most of the girls of today are not afraid ogled by men and not like just because Muslim dress. Is that so?? Surely it is not true, let's start peeled the problem, .hehee ...As a good Muslim woman should wear hijab, because it is actually the biggest fitna in women are those women who are not veiled. But keep in mind also that a good man would prefer a veiled woman by nature.Try to imagine if you wanted to buy bread in the market. First, there is bread wrapped in banana leaves or transparent plastic which, for example,...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Muslim Athletes Shine in Hijab

Muslim Athletes Shine in Hijab DOHA – Veiled female athletes in the Middle East are overcoming different challenges to excel in various sports fields and shatter western stereotypes about their hijab, culture and religion, a recent research at Northwestern University in Qatar has revealed.“Female athletes in the Middle East face pressures that include family, religion, politics, and culture,” said the research cited by Trade Arabia website.“These issues often take place over use or nonuse of the hijab, the traditional head covering for Muslim...

Hijab in France: Muslims' Role

Hijab in France: Muslims' Role In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.Dear questioner, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His Cause and render our work for His Sake.Muslims in France should try their best to pressure public opinion to change the prospective law may ban hijab in schools. They should consider that banning of hijab is a challenge to their identity in that...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Become a Hijab Designer Freelance

Become a Hijab Designer Freelance The idea of ​​this article, we picked up on events that never happened. On the internet, there is a fellow who was still relatively young. Current status is as a student at a college in Kalimantan. Her story, from the age of high school he used to or like a scribble design clothes or clothes for women. While in college and started to come in contact with Islamic activities, scratch a design change coretnya hijab. Only those activities, is still limited to just a hobby. Her said, several times he asked colleagues...

Schoolgirl Wins Right to Islamic Dress

Schoolgirl Wins Right to Islamic Dress A schoolgirl who was refused permission to wear an Islamic gown in class has claimed a "victory for all Muslims" after the British Court of Appeal ruled that she had been denied the right to manifest her religion. Shabina Begum, 16, decided when she turned 14 to wear a jilbab, a full-length dress that conceals the shape of a woman's arms and legs. She said the insistence of Denbigh High School in Luton, that she wore uniform was the consequence of an atmosphere in which Islam had been made "a target for...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Not Yet Ready to Wear Hijab

Not Yet Ready to Wear Hijab  At times like this that have been advanced, a lot of nice clothing in accordance with the trend in the market. We can get the costumes at the mall, boutique, even though in traditional markets. But if the dresses were in accordance with Islamic law?  The question is what should be contemplated by the Muslim women, and not simply as a 'reflection', but we have to do something that brings us to the good. Often heard the chatter of many young Muslim girl who said "I'm not ready to wear hijab .., mild liver'll...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Muslim women Wearing Hijab Allowed Participate Military Exercise

The Muslim women Wearing Hijab Allowed Participate Military Exercise   Muslim citizens of the United States cheered. Section, Department of Defense now allows Muslim students to wear the hijab when participate of military training junior (JROTC).  "We welcome the Muslim students can fully participate in leadership activities while maintaining religious beliefs," said Executive Director of the National Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nihad Awad.  This decision was announced on Thursday (22/12). This policy...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hijab, Recommended or Mandatory?

 Hijab, Recommended or Mandatory? Unfortunately, the issue of hijab is raised every now and then, not only in non-Muslim countries but also in some Muslim countries. Those who reject the hijab as being obligatory on Muslim women, consider it part of the culture that has nothing to do with religion, though it is part and parcel of the religion and constitutes the dress code ordained by Islam on Muslim women. In your question you referred to some names who reject the hijab. It is very strange that some of those who reject hijab,...

Can I Remove My Hijab?

Can I Remove My Hijab? What you are asking is not such a simple question to be answered with either "Yes" or "No." At a first glance, however, the answer seems to be quite simply that one cannot disobey Allah's orders or overlook them in certain circumstances. So, let us discuss your question in a reasonable way, but let me ask you some questions first: 1- Why did you wear hijab in the first place? 2- Is it right to think of not wearing hijab? 3- What is your goal when thinking of not wearing hijab? 4- Do you really believe that your...

Is Hijab a Quranic Commandment?

First of all, I would like to quote the verses in the Holy Quran that speak of the hijab. Please see verses 30-31 in Surah 24 of the Holy Quran, which give the meaning of: (Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’...

Hijab: What's It All About?

Hijab: What's It All About? By Reading Islam Team Many Muslim women around the world wear the hijab out of choice.  Some Muslim women, at different stages of their lives and at different times after their decision to wear hijab, struggle with it. Not necessarily with the belief that it is obligatory — although some Muslim women may have a problem with that — but with...

The Importance of Hijab

What is Hijab? Hijab is the dress that covers the adornment of the Muslim woman, on one condition that it won't be adornment by itself. In other words, the Islamic definition of hijab is the dress that covers whatever might arouse instincts. It is what would keep a woman safe, not only in her own society but wherever she goes. It should be noticed that the way it’s worn does not arouse the sexual appeal for both men and women. Despite these points, hijab is not old fashioned as some might claim. On the contrary, a Muslim woman needs to...