Thursday, January 5, 2012

French Police Warned Not To Catch Any Woman Wearing A Hijab

French Police Warned Not To Catch Any Woman Wearing A Hijab Police in France have been warned not to play catch every Muslim women who wear hijab either within or around the mosque. Instructions were issued by the French Interior Minister, Claude Guenter, contained in a circular issued to page nine officers, before the ban burka in all directions, in effect next week. With the emphasis that about six million Muslim community, residents have been warned not to 'conspire'. That means that residents will not be allowed to play their own laws if they...

Six of the 10 Muslim Women Select Hijab Veiling

In the Netherlands, now Six of the 10 Muslim Women Select Hijab Veiling Islam is a religion of peace to the world or "rahmatan lil 'alamin", as a devout Muslim who will understand and really feel the meaning of "rahmatan lil' alamin". The fact the beauty of Islam will not be felt by the people who do not believe, even that will not be felt by Muslims who are not obedient to the teachings of his religion. We can see examples of women who live in the country that his government authorities and the majority of the population...