Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hijab, What It's Hijab?

What It's Hijab? Perhaps most of us define that the hijab is the veil or head covering. However, the actual definition of hijab is one piece of clothing is mandatory for women, as in the word of Allah Almighty: "O Prophet, say to your wives, your daughters, and wives of the believers, let them extend their scarf to the whole body. That is so they are easier to be recognized and therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "  (Surat Al-Ahzab: 59). Thus, the hijab was a kind of parenthesis is roomy clothes that...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Hijab Box From Mother

The Hijab Box From Mother I frowned annoyed at my mother told me to wear a headscarf and veil again. Wow ... again, either already keberapa time Mother told me to wear a hijab and veil if you want to go to school or even go to an event like a birthday party my friend. "It's for your own good!" Replied every time I ask for what we have to wear a headscarf and veil. Even now I do not understand the meaning of 'goodness' in the mother's sentence. I do not give a damn, anyway I just wanted to make Mom happy to see me wear the veil and hijab. That's...

Adding Knowledge About the Hijab

Adding Knowledge About the Hijab Islam is not the only religion that advocated the use of the veil on his people. Veil existed before Islam came, though with different terms and demands. For example in the book of the Torah, the sacred book of Judaism, has been known for a few terms that convey the same as tif'eret hijâb. Similarly, in the Gospel which is the holy book of Christianity (Christians and Catholics) were also found to convey the same terms. For example the term zammah, re'alah, zaif and mitpahat. Terms of use of the hijab even been...

Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Choose The comfort Hijab

How To Choose  The comfort Hijab Like other textile materials. Just as Muslimah or Moslemah dress, veil / scarf can also be expensive or cheap even though the motive or the exact same model of hijab. This is due to different textile base material. There are advantages and disadvantages of each material used. It depends on your taste and your needs. Like the dress muslimah (Muslim women clothing), the material is more use of cotton, usually absorbs sweat better and usually pegged at a higher price. Weaknesses, will quickly tangle if not pressed...

Fashionable Hijab

Fashionable Hijab Hijab is not something that is taboo among Muslim women in Indonesia today. The schoolgirls, housewives and even career women with confidence using the hijab wherever they go. But unfortunately, many of them are not really wear the veil as a covering aurat according to the laws and rules that have been prescribed. They just simply "talkative" veiling and just follow the trends and fashions that developed at this time. This phenomenon is called the headscarf or hijab fashionable slang. Hijab fashion trends hijab is one of a very...

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Reasons Make A Woman Falling in Love With Islam

The Reasons Make A Woman Falling in Love With Islam Many reasons that make women fall in love with Islam. Many of the 'surprise' and the response is expressed about the "oppression" suffered by women in "conservative Islamic countries" linked headscarf issue. Already thousands of books and papers that discuss about this. But even so, we can not deny there are thousands or even millions of women who prefer to cover his private parts with hijab (ed: hejab) even though he was in a community of free society. Why is the issue of women wearing the hijab...

Muslim Women Activists Distributed Hijab For Free To The Public

Muslim Women Activists Distributed Hijab For Free To The Public INDONESIA ( - Ten years after the tragedy of the WTC 11 September 2001, it still leaves a deep pain and hurt for Muslims. The advent of Islam phobia, the negative stigma which identifies Islam with terrorism, is a joint problem to be solved by Muslims. Especially for Muslims are a minority, attacks both physically and through the rules that restrict the freedom of religion such as the use of the headscarf ban in some European countries made the condition of Muslims in...

The Survey Results Show:The Error Of Prejudice Against The Hijab In Netherlands

The Survey Results Show:The Error Of Prejudice Against The Hijab In Netherlands AMSTERDAM ( - A survey of Muslim women all over the Netherlands showed that the majority of users did hijab or veil over their own free will, Radio Netherlands Worldwide launched its website on Tuesday (11/22/2011). Six out of ten Dutch Muslim women aged 15 to 35 years of wearing the hijab. The survey results are in contrast with the growing opinion in society that the majority of Muslim women began wearing a headscarf at age 19 and not when they were young....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Sin Behind The Hijab

The Sin Behind The Hijab Alhamdulillah, awareness of wearing the hijab has started to grow in most Muslim women in our homeland. Wearing the hijab is not an uncommon or illegal in most places of work. However, along with the times and the opening of the era of globalization, a lot of Muslim women who want to dress syar'i, they want to wear the hijab, but they also want to look fashionable and beautiful. They wear the hijab because it follows the...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How To Wear Quadrilateral Hijab

How To Wear Quadrilateral Hijab for those of you who want to wear a quadrilateral hijab then let you easy to use let's follow hoods quadrilateral quadrilateral how to wear hijab with ease so that you will be beautiful and look fashionable wearing hijab quadrilateral. Quadrilateral hijab1. Wear hijab headscarf basic quadrilateral shape neck. 2. Take the rest of the left and behind the veil, fold it in half and tie with rubber bands to form flowers. 3....

Tips For Choosing An Anti Moist Hijab

Tips For Choosing An Anti Moist Hijab Hair is the crown for anyone. Believe that the sentence is no exaggeration to describe the importance of hair in one's life. You also can not help but admit that the hair can make a small miracle that make you look more beautiful nor like a man stranded on an island untouched civilization bathroom. Anti Moist Hijab The hair is friendly, not only unsightly because the model or color that makes you look pretty,...

Tips On Choosing A Hijab Appropriate With Face Shape

Tips On Choosing A Hijab Appropriate With Face Shape! Round Face To you who have a round face, Ceramic hijab with undercaps are easily found on the market. Ponytail your hair if long, then use undercaps, do dicepol or bun because it would give the impression of your head round. Tie the scarf, then on the cheeks can be pulled up to half of the cheeks closed. Also make sure you are comfortable and not crowded kerasa yes. Next you can enter the rest...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tips For Choosing A Veil/Khimar/Jilbab

The Tips For Choosing A Veil/Khimar/Jilbab Choosing Hijab/veilFor Muslim women, hijab or veil is not currently cover the body to function alone. Ancient and not fashionable impression is gone from the image veil. because now the veil has become part of fashion. Shapes, materials and design headscarves are now beginning to develop. But for those of you who are new to the veil, there are a few tips that can be used in choosing the right veil/khimar...

How To Wear Hijab Is Wrong

How To Wear Hijab Is Wrong Every Muslim is required to wear the hijab to cover her nakedness. But in this veiled still a lot of wrong turns, deviated from Islamic Shari'a and tend toward the things that are prohibited. Here's how a lot of growing veiling among Muslim women but is actually wrong and forbidden. In a veiled Muslim women should not put the fashion rather than the Shari'a. Fashion may be, it is recommended instead. Allah is beautiful...

Main Requirement Use the Veil

Main Requirement Use the Veil Hijab Derived from the word "Hajaba" Hiding Self meaningful, as for the purpose of using the Hijab or Veil is one of the Islamic Shari'a that women are not viewed as sex objects, but it's encouraging that the relationship of women and men for the better. Use of one of the Hijab is seen sebahao prevention sin. Hijab-HijabWhile Hijab / Veil used when they are in public or in front of men who are not mahrom, hijab /...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Between Women and the Hijab/Veil

Between Women and the Hijab/Veil Now days, many women who wear hijab it's very good at all because Islam does teach this, ie to cover the genitalia so women do not show body parts that must be covered in the general public. But most of all we have to look at the basic purpose of a woman was wearing a headscarf, does indeed follow the teachings of Islam or just position the hijabf as a lifestyle in dress. Based on the hadith of Ibn Umar, the Prophet...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Understanding The True Meaning Of Hijab

Understanding The True Meaning Of Hijab Are there Muslims and Muslim women who do not recognize the figure of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi Fatima bint wassalam? It seemed impossible! He radiyallahu'anha is the daughter of the Messenger  of Allah Sallaahu 'alaihi wassalam living up to accompany him to his death at Rafiqil a’la. Fatima az-Zahra radiyallahu'anha is the queen of the women in paradise. His understanding of the true meaning of the veil is very worthy to be listened to and contemplated by the Muslim longing for heaven and good...

Some Turkish Universities Still Insist On Enforcing Bans On Wearing The Hijab

Some Turkish Universities Still Insist On Enforcing Bans On Wearing The Hijab In the 2011-2012 school year, several universities in Turkey are still imposed a ban on the veil which had been abolished by the Board of Higher Education (Yok) in the year 2010. University has gradually been adopting new rules that allow headscarves worn in universities since the ban was abolished in 2010. Recent developments include the removal of the headscarf ban on...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Variations Of Muslim Women Clothing

The Variations Of Muslim Women Clothing In the Islamic rules of dress there is a need to be considered to achieve the perfection of worship, it would be nice if the rule was accompanied by applying the basic theory of fashion design that makes the appearance of someone who is veiled and dressed in a closed increasingly soothing. Clothing as a medium that frames a woman is the main focal point of view of a Muslimah. Conceptualize a style of dress,...

Look Beautiful With A Muslimah/Muslim Women Wedding Dress

Look Beautiful With A Muslimah/Muslim Women Wedding Dress Who would not be happy waiting for the wedding day? Yes, the wedding day is one of the most important day in the way the human story. How not, God created millions and even billions of people in this world but ended up at only one place oranglah our hearts anchored. Everyone will want to look perfect on her wedding day. Therefore, the average person who would marry prepare for reservations...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tips On Choosing A Jilbab/Niqab/Khimar That Seemed Compatible With Muslim Clothing that We Wear

Tips On Choosing A Jilbab/Niqab/Khimar That Seemed Compatible With Muslim Clothing that We Wear Jilbab/khimar is an integral part of the Muslim fashion. Now how can the jilbab/khimar could seem compatible with Muslim clothing that we wear. Here are the tips: Note the colorThe good color foundation scarf in accordance with Moslem you or at least take the elements of color pattern imaginable on your clothing. It is advisable to choose a color...

Choosing Muslim Women Clothing for Party

Choosing Muslim Women Clothing for Party Muslim fashion design style is increasingly varied. Various models of feminine tunic is very practical paired with skirts or trousers simple intersect. However, how the time must attend a formal party? Muslim clothing such as what should you wear? Actually, the choice is easy. Muslim clothing is simple with muted colors and fresh pas worn for various occasions. However, you also can create more with the clothes...