Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Story of My hijab

The Story of My hijab  By: Widiastuty Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ... My name is Tri Widiastuti. Alhamdulillah, I was born in a family of religious education which prioritizes the family. From the little I've been taught about religion, although not yet know about the obligation of the Muslim women cover nakedness. In elementary school I was already fluent reading the Koran, it's because my father and mother who is concerned about their children's education, especially education about religion. Graduated from elementary school,...

Veiling But Why Still Be So?

Veiling (wear hijab) But Why Still Be So? By : Rausan Last night when more fun to read and read on a blog of a friend, namely is Salman. I found an interesting article that inspired me to this article. The main topic of a veiled girl or her hijab. My favorite little brain was immediately given some of my friends who also wear the hijab, but I feel, how their appearance and personality there that tastes weird huh?. How so?. Hemm, my friends are indeed wearing the hijab. But appearance and personality I think they did not fit with the crown that...

Between Hijab and Veil

Between Hijab and Veil Indeed, in everyday conversation people generally assume the same with the veil Hijab. This assumption is not appropriate. Hijab is not the same with the veil. Hijab is to dress the lower part (al-al-libas aDNA) in the form of robes, the clothes are baggy overalls worn over clothing style (such as house dress). Being a fashion scarf top (al-A'la al-libas) is a head covering. (Rawwas Qal'ah Jie, Mu'jam Lughah fuqaha Al-`, it. 124 & 151; Anis Ibrahim et al, Al-Al-Wasith Mu'jam, 2 / 279 & 529). Hijab and the veil is...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Images Shown with Hijab

Images Shown with Hijab Using the hijab is not a barrier to stay beautiful. Sometimes the weather is hot and humid, especially in the month of fasting, making the appearance look less fresh. Damage to the appearance often affects mood. In order to keep your look pretty and fresh with a hijab, just try following four exciting tricks. 1. Use a scarf and clothes made from cotton Cotton is known for its cold and can absorb sweat. This material is...

When Hijab Become A Choice

When Hijab Become A Choice By: Ariyanti Rizki Assalamualaikum beautiful,My name is Ariyanti Rizki, coed State Universities in Jakarta. I want to share stories about experiences I wear hijab, I hope it can inspire you too. I was beginning to wear the hijab when a new junior high in 2004. Just a few months of school. My math teacher, Mr. Sarwadi invites his students to wear headscarves in school when the lesson. Sure there are pros and cons for women who have worn the hijab since the new school had to buy more long-sleeved shirts, long skirts,...

Alhamdulillah, I Wear Hijab

Alhamdulillah, I Wear Hijab The beginning I wanted to wear hijab is a time to sit still in high school. At that time in small talk in my first class, and two of my friends (male and female) is being talked about genitalia, and trouble hijab - simplicity. My friend that she had been wearing hijab since the First Medium School. Subhanallah. When asked my desire is there for the hijab, I believe answered 'Yes, definitely! "Without I need to think long and think twice. But, after that unfortunately we never again talk about these issues, and we are...

Hijab Dilemma

Hijab Dilemma Hijab, the veil is now no longer be a dominant mothers recitation, campus activists, and the little girl who was chanting in the mosque. He has transformed into each slit a Muslim activity. It is not difficult to find a woman wearing a headscarf or hijab they call. Starting from the employee in the office, sports athletes, to the journalists with all the dynamics do not hesitate and hesitate again to show its existence as a Muslimah. Hijab ordered by Allah in Surat an-Nur was no longer get an exclusive and ancient stereotypes. Precedent...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Command to Wear the Hijab for Muslim Women has Allah Says in His Quran

The Command to Wear the Hijab for Muslim Women has Allah Says in Holy Qur'an The command to wear the hijab for Muslim women has Allah says in His glorious book of the Quran and hadith apostles. Position of wearing the hijab (Muslim women's clothing) must judged equal position with prayer, fasting, zakat, hajj (for those who can). And, this scarf when abandoned (ignored) by a woman who claims to embrace the religion of Islam then it could lead to the culprit being dragged in one of the major sins because of his position that must be so if left...

Allah Commands That have been Forgotten by Muslims

Allah Commands That have been Forgotten by Muslims There is one maxim of short, simple, but in the mean, which reads as follows: "Unknown, therefore unloved" In accordance with the proverb above, there is one important commandment is virtually unknown or taken lightly by Muslims, that women must wear head veils. Necessity of women wear the headscarf are listed in the letter An Nur verse 31 which is long enough, the authors quote a single line, which reads as follows. : "Say to the believing women ... ... .... . And let them put her hood up to...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Advice For Women

The Advice For Women Finally, I dedicate these 11 valuable advice to you, Hi Muslim Sister... Do it, God willing, you will be happy here and Hereafter, please ask God in practice it, then by reading and understanding of this little book. Do worship to Allah alone, according to what has been hinted, in the Qur'an and hadith al. Be careful of faith and conviction and shirk in the worship, because shirk abort charities and causes losses. Be careful of innovation, both in Aqeedah and in worship, because every innovation is misguidance and those who...