Friday, August 26, 2011

Is True Wearing Muslim Women Clothing It's More Expensive?

Is True Wearing Muslim Women Clothing It's More Expensive? Sister Muslimah from wherever you land. I rejoice because the sisters are pleased to fulfill the obligations of Muslim dress. Of course, I don't want sisters hesitate to do it. The fashion budget for some families, it could be a big budget. Especially for women who work or daily activity outside the home. Many people who think that Muslimah dress is expensive and wasteful. That statement...

Error in Muslimah Dress/Hijab

Error in Muslimah Dress/Hijab Clothing that is called or known as "Muslim Women clothing" is not necessarily Islamic, in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari'a. We should rejoice, give thanks, Muslimah dress and loved growing Muslim women. Muslim women more and more day wearing a headscarf. However, it seems unfinished mission of the veil, still leaves a "terrain of struggle". The reason, many Muslim women have not hijab correctly and...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two Ayat On Hijab

The Two Ayat On Hijab 1. Surah An-Nur 24 ayah 31 English Translation from Noble Quran by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, Ph.D. and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity of them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: they should not...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Falling And Building My spirits In Wearing Hijab

Falling And Building My spirits In Wearing Hijab Once when I asked myself, "Why are my friends wear the veil off again?" I stroked his chest and tried to answer the question myself. A variety of estimates that came to mind. Wearing the hijab does not update, uncomfortable, hot, hard. Maybe that's the reason my friends who were not seen again wear the hijab. Headscarves in schools is still attached to their bodies. Aurat they are invisible. Looks...

Weighing Of Wearing Hijab

Weighing Of Wearing Hijab In adolescence and adulthood when a young man, far from Allah, I like to do for fun, disturbing, and tease my friends who wear hijab. At that time are still very few women who wear veils in everyday life. At that time, women who wear Hijab is seen as people who join a particular stream. At the moment my life began to close with Allah, I just realized how ignorant I was back then. I just realized, that was veiling for women is an obligation contained in the Qur'an. So the hijab (covering genitalia) for women are the same...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hijab Reform in Ramadan

Hijab Reform in Ramadan By ; Amira Alsareinye Ramadan - the month of spiritual reform. It is the month that I finally decided to wear the hijab. My thoughts were full of worries about what would happen if I began to wear it; I would be recognized as a Muslim everywhere I go. Having grown up amongst non-Muslims whilst living in the west made me afraid to express my culture, because I felt I would not be accepted. Throughout my school years I experienced different forms of discrimination and intolerance, much of it enforcing my fear to wear the...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Understanding Hijab

Understanding Hijab By : Masooma Beatty What does a young woman demonstrate about herself when she dons a headscarf, but ties it so that bits of hair hang out or her neck or chest are not fully covered, and then matches it with make-up, form-fitting tops, skin-tight jeans, bare forearms, bare feet, heavy perfume, nail polish, high-heels and a $200 handbag? What does a young man demonstrate about himself when he openly eyes women and talks to his buddies about their bodies, shows off in front of the opposite sex, and looks for chances to engage...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Perfecting Our Hijab

Perfecting Our Hijab By : Zara Syed How many of us think we know the meaning of Hijab so well that we could practice proper Hijab, but only if we wanted to? While the Hijab serves as to preserve one's dignity, honor, and respect alongside the safety of one's beauty and chastity, these are all secondary reasons for observing Hijab. The fundamental purpose is that of obeying Allah's orders and striving to become obedient Muslims, so that we may be blessed with the promised rewards. Whatever the situation, sisters in Islam are trying hard...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why Wear the Hijab?

Why Wear the Hijab? By : Zara Syed So you're a non-Muslim and have no idea why the oddball hippie and/or possibly emo girls have started dressing like nuns. All right, we'll give you some credit. We know you don't live under a rock, so the minute you see a woman wandering in the shopping mall with a scarf covering her hair, you think: Muslim! (Or if you're easily persuaded by the media, you're probably thinking more along the lines of the T word which has more or less become our nickname since 9/11, although we assure you we have no more idea...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Hijab Story ( Kaneez Fatima )

My Hijab Story By: Kaneez Fatima Growing up in the "secular" society of the United Arab Emirates, there was usually no concept of Hijab. The little that did exist was solely for cultural purposes. The local girls adorned themselves with beautiful and transparent sheilas, through which one could easily make out the effort and time that went into the complicated hair styles. Naturally, it would also help to attract the right sort of men, from the right sort of families. The importance of prayers, fasting and other pillars of Islam had always been...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Olympics and The Hijab

Olympics and The Hijab By: Masooma Beatty On August 8, the Italian news agency Adn Kronos International (AKI) reported that the Friday prayer leader of Mashhad, Sayyid Ahmad Elmalhoda, strongly criticized that a female had carried the Iranian flag during the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. The flag was carried by Olympic rower Homa Hosseini. According to the article, Sayyid Elmalhoda said, "To make a woman march with the flag of the Islamic Republic in Beijing is pure heresy and shows total disobedience of the laws mandated by our spiritual guides....

Monday, August 8, 2011

New and Cool Hijab Styles

New and Cool Hijab StylesBy : Marziya Kaka Ever seen an interesting Hijabi style and have always wanted to try it out but just don't know the technique – the proper covering of the neck, the invisible pin right on the side of the scarf, and let's not forget the symmetrical corners all set up right? Well, I have, and after much wondering and stealing side glances, I simply asked. So today, I will share what I have learnt. Style No.1: The Traditional Square Scarf Just fold into a triangular shape and wear it. There are some hardcore Hijabis who will...