Thursday, July 28, 2011

Beauty Pageants and Islam in America

Beauty Pageants and Islam in AmericaBy: Islamic Insights Muslim Americans have contributed immensely to the United States as doctors, teachers, lawyers, pharmacists, authors, scholars, public servants, and writers. Add to that ever growing list: beauty queens. Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard about the media's Cinderella story of Miss Michigan Rima Fakih, who is believed to be the first Muslim and Arab-American winner of the Miss USA pageant. In the age of sensational media reporting coupled with a community severely...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Hijabis We See

The Hijabis We See By: Huda Jawad If I had a dollar for every Hijab style I've seen, I could buy that 365,000-dollar black Abaya decorated with bespoke Crosley diamonds. It's become a constant source of amusement for me. I mean, how many different color pins can a person wear at once until it starts blinding people? The purpose of Hijab, which is summarized best as the concealment of beauty and the beauty of concealment, seems to be growing more and ambiguous these days. During any given day, we are likely to see a plethora of some odd fashion...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Banning The Niqab

Banning The Niqab By: Zara Syed The assault on the Islamic modest dress has had a long and painful history. In 1981, Tunisia, a Muslim country, banned the Hijab in some places. This was followed by Turkey, another Muslim country, which banned it from public schools and universities in 1997. In 2004, France followed Turkey's footsteps under the guise of banning "all religious symbols" in public places of education. Soon thereafter, France decided to ban the face veil too, as no religion should "dominate" the public sphere, even though less than...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Debasing the Hijab

Debasing the Hijab By : Huda Jawad The effect and prominence of advertisements today have driven society from a functioning level of critical thinking into a group of consumers with practically no objectivity, bought easily into the notions of propaganda-laced media. A simple television advertisement can cause a person to feel utterly paranoid and self-conscious about their appearance, forcing them to spend ridiculous amounts on products that promise beauty and hence happiness. This effect is not only restricted to beauty and clothing products,...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hijab is ordained of Alloh to be a strong fortress, guarding the honor, glory, and dignity of women.

Hijab is ordained of Alloh to be a strong fortress, guarding the honor, glory, and dignity of women. Al-Muslimah Sister ...! Alloh says: "O Prophet, say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them extend their scarf around your body. That is so they are easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed, and God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful "(Surah al-Ahzab: 59). Ibn Abbas said: "Alloh ordered the wives of the believers, when out of the house for an errand, let them cover her face with her scarf over her head." Alloh...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Why Some Muslim Sisters Don't Wear Hijab ?

Why Some Muslim Sisters Don't Wear Hijab ?   QUESTION : Why some muslim sisters don't wear hijab even if they know its an obligation? And what is more important for those muslims sisters who don't wear hijab? Pleasing Allah or what others would think about them if they will wear hijab? ANSWERS  1: Salam Alaikum I know some muslims who live in no muslims countries find it so hard to do all the obligations of islam and some of them are finding their new muslim life a but hard but let me remind you about our prophet muhammed  "sala...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How I Was Guided To My Hijab and Islam!

How I Was Guided To My Hijab and Islam! Dear Sisters, Today I feel so proud to know how many of my sisters are wearing hijab with pride. I know how it feels sometimes when you feel like its a burden but really its not, its the shaytaan who just doesn't want us to wear it because he doesn't want us to get near the paradise or to get more towards our religion. I am going to be 16 years old and I now realize how much significance Islam is in my life. I, like other people was 'gumrah' from Islam. When i came to 10th grade, I had a bad group of friends....

My Hijab Story

My Hijab Story So I’ve been tagged by the fellow blogger of  "The Arabian Panther" to do the Hijab story post since I read hers. This originally was a video tag on youtube, and because I’m not a youtuber who makes videos, I’ll be doing just the same by answering the following questions and I tag every Hijabi sister who’s reading this as well. So let’s share our story with the Hijab , inspire and be inspired ! It’ll be fun ! :D 1. How old were you when you started wearing the hijab? I was 13 years old. 2. What or who influenced you to become...

Why do I wear my hijab in school?

Why do I wear my hijab in school? By : Attia Zaidi Why I wear hijab (to school, to work, to wherever) I have been answering this question for the past 14 years. I decided to put on hijab as a permanent part of my attire when I was 14 years old and in grade 9. At the time it didn't do wonders for my self-esteem, but over time is has given me a better understanding of myself. I chose to wear hijab for a number of reasons and my understanding of who I was and who I was trying to be became a public process since the hijab is apparent to everyone. High...

My Hijab is for Me and for God

My Hijab is for Me and for God 1. WHAT IS JIHAD? UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS DOES ISLAM SANCTION THE USE OF VIOLENCE? WHAT WOULD YOU TELL SUICIDE BOMBERS WHO INVOKE ISLAM TO JUSTIFY THEIR ACTIONS? I must admit that there are times before getting on an international flight to Washington Dulles Airport that I've been gripped by fear of the possibility that my flight could be hijacked by terrorists. I doubt I'm the only person who's experienced that kind of paralyzing fear when flying – especially post 9/11. However, the scenario in my mind often progresses...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Should children wear the hijab?

Should children wear the hijab? Eryn has decided to wear the hijab. She’s at a lovely precocious stage of mimicry where she will throw diapers into the dustbin and wave ‘bye-bye’ to my makeup as she flushes it down the toilet. She cleans the floors and the windows with the kitchen towel. She brushes her hair with her toothbrush, puts her shoes on backwards, knows how to access YouTube and dusts her grandfather’s foot powder on everyone’s feet. When I grab my shawl and prepare for one of the daily prayers, she crawls to the prayer area and starts...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I want to wear Hijab!

I want to wear Hijab!!!?  (Yahoo Answer Document) Question : Salam, i converted to islam one year ago alhamduillah. However i have tried to take islam slowly by slowly i have stoped everything haram i was doing before the only thing i havent done is put on the hijab. My husband says it is still early, and he doesnt want it to cause a problem with my family, as they will reject me and it will be hard for them.. Also i work in a company where the money is haram and i need to know if i wear hijab in there will it be ok or not....will it make...