Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Importance of Wearing Hijab for Health

The Importance of Wearing Hijab for Health Prophet said, "The women who dressed but (essentially) naked, lenggak-crook, their heads like a camel hump, they will not enter heaven, and have no smell fragrant scent (Narrated by Abu Daud) Prophet said, "No prayer accepted except adult women who wear Khimar (headscarf) (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, bn Majah) Scientific research has found contemporary Praise be to Allaah women who are not veiled or dressed but tight, or transparent, then he will experience a variety of malignant cancer all...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Why I Wear Hijab And Not Niqaab

Why I Wear Hijab And Not Niqaab Tara bint Curtis Gregory conducts a painstaking investigation of what the often disputed references from the Quran and ahadith actually say and sets out the conclusions she has arrived at after three years of research. Indeed, all praises are due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His Aid and beg for His Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil in our souls and from the bad consequences of our deeds. Whomever Allah guides, no one can lead that person astray and whomever Allah leads astray no one can guide...

Monday, April 25, 2011

The main errors of those who make the face veil obligatory

The main errors of those who make the face veil obligatory 1. The interpretation of al-idnaa’ in the verse of Hijab/the Jilbab to mean “covering the face”. This misinterpretation is contrary to the basic meaning of the word in Arabic which is “to come close”, as is mentioned in authoritative dictionaries like al-Mufradaat by the well-known scholar, ar-Raaghib al-Asbahaanee. However, there is sufficient evidence in the interpretation of the leading commentator on the Quran, Ibn ‘Abbaas, who explained the verse saying, “She should bring the jilbaab/hijab...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Questions & Answers About Hijaab

Questions & Answers About Hijab     * What is the Hijab? The word itself comes from the arabic word "hajaba" meaning to conceal or hide from view. Hijab is the modest covering of the head and body of muslim women.     *   Who has to wear it? All muslim adults are supposed to wear the appropriate hijab for their sex.This is one Hadith related by Abu Dawood: "Ayesha(r) reported that Asmaa bint Abu Bakr(r) came to the Messenger of Allah(swt) while wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: 'O Asmaa!...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Their government forces them to uncover their heads when having pictures taken

Their government forces them to uncover their heads when having pictures taken We live in X and when getting a passport here we need to take a photo. But the problem is that when muslim women take photo in their headscarves the officials don't accept and permit them, saying that the woman must be without a headscarf on a photo. That's why at the current moment many muslim women aren't able to get their passports ( because they don't want to take off their headscarves) and can't do some personal business where they need to use the passport. I want...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Does When Women At Prayer Opens His face, shows that (face it) is not Aurat?

Does When Women At Prayer Opens His face, shows that (face it) is not Aurat? Question : In Islam prohibited from opening the genitalia in prayer. If a woman in a prayer opening the face, whether it demonstrates that the niqab (face cover) is not compulsory and the woman's face rather than genitals? ------------------------------------------------------------ Answers : Alhamdulillah. Is not justified to argue with a woman who uncovers (cover) his face in prayer shows that the face was not the genitals. Explanation (thing) that is: That is...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When is it permissible for a woman to uncover her face?

When is it permissible for a woman to uncover her face? Question : We know that the most correct opinion among the scholars is that women should cover their faces, but there are many situations where women cannot cover their faces. Could you shed more light on this topic? ------------------------------------------- Answers : Praise be to Allaah. The most correct opinion, which is supported by evidence, is that it is obligatory to cover the face, therefore young women are forbidden to uncover their faces in front of non-mahram men in order...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Muslim Converts Wear Hijab

Muslim Converts Wear Hijab Adis Duderija- ( Sally Neighbour in her article 'Secret Unveiled' (Feature Article in “The Australian, Wednesday ,October 3rd,p.15) tells us a story of a young Muslim convert, Umm Zainab (her adopted name), who is wearing a niqab (head and face veil) and why for Umm Zainab wearing a niqab is a “liberating experience”. She describes some of the daily life experiences, often in a form of verbal abuse, and the tensions that arise from, when women like Umm Zainab,...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

His Wife Does Not Want To Wear Hijaab

His Wife Does Not Want To Wear Hijaab And He Fears For His Young Daughter Question: My wife is not wearing Hijab although she is a strong beleiver and practicing all Salats on time etc. We are both Engineers and we have 2 young daughters (2 and 5 Years. I am worried that my children will also go away from wearing hijab if they see their mother not wearing it as well. I've tried many times to convince her to put it (she has read the relevant sourates) but I've stopped doing that when I felt that she would reject whatever she was already on. My question...

Why do Muslim Women Wear a Veil or a Hijab?

Why do Muslim Women Wear a Veil or a Hijab? "Why Do You Wear that Thing on Your Head?" Answered I’ve worn the hijab, or veil, over my head and across my shoulders for as long as I can remember. My parents encouraged me to feel comfortable with it ever since I was two years old and wanting to mimic my mother,  even though it isn’t mandatory for girls to wear the hijab until they reach puberty. I didn’t wear it all the time when I was small, but as I grew older—as I learned to fold, tuck, and pin it myself—it became natural to me. As a young...

Beginning to Wear Hijab

Beginning to Wear Hijab By A Revert Muslim Sister who dorns Hijab One of the most difficult decisions many Muslim sisters face is the decision to start wearing hijab. This is certainly true for reverts, but may also be true for sisters whose families or even whose cultures are not particularly observant. As a revert myself, I have been through the whole thing. I would like to offer some advice that I hope inshallah will be helpful to sisters who are considering wearing hijab but find that something is holding them back. The first step is to...

Why Do I Wear Hijab?

Why Do I Wear Hijab? 1. Because Allah said so. But in the end, these are all secondary reasons, all reasons that come after the most important reason of all: I wear my hijab to obey Allah and worship Him. Even if I did not know the wisdom behind hijab or have any other reason for wearing it, I would still wear it because He has asked me to. I choose to be of those who say, “We hear and we obey” [2:285]. And that is why I wear my hijab, walhamdulilah. May Allah make the hijab a jewel to every Muslim woman, as it is to me. 2. Because I fear for...