Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Question Of Hijab

THE QUESTION OF HIJAB: SUPPRESSION OR LIBERATION "Why do Muslim women have to cover their heads?" This question is one which is asked by Muslim and non-Muslim alike. For many women it is the truest test of being a Muslim. The answer to the question is very simple - Muslim women observe HIJAB (covering the head and the body) because Allah has told them to do so. "O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be...

Tips for Beginning to Wear Hijab

Tips for Beginning to Wear Hijab Introduction One of the most difficult decisions many Muslim sisters face is the decision to start wearing hijab. This is certainly true for reverts, but may also be true for sisters whose families or even whose cultures are not particularly observant. As a revert myself, I have been through the whole thing. I would like to offer some advice that I hope inshallah will be helpful to sisters who are considering wearing hijab but find that something is holding them back. If you don't think that you need to wear hijab,...

Why do Muslim women wear the hijab?

Why do Muslim women wear the hijab? I am sitting in my first-period class impatiently waiting for the teacher to stop babbling about monomials and polynomials. When the bell rings, a girl approaches, her face forming a question mark. She wonders if it's okay to ask a "personal" question... "Why do Muslim women wear the hijab?" It's not the first time this has happened and it is certainly an issue that needs to be addressed. One of the major misconceptions about the hijab (covering of the body except the face and hands) is that young women are...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Do you not read the word of God

Do you not read the word of God "Say to the believing women, let their gaze and guard his cock and did not show her jewelry except (usually) visible from it. And let them cover with cloth hoods to their chest "(Surah An Nur: 31). That is not the slightest show her jewelry to strangers (not Muhrim) unless something might be hidden in the form of clothing that is not flashy, and be poked his head coverings (hijab) up to her chest so close. Imam Bukhari narrated from Aisha radi 'anha, she said: "May God bless the women who emigrated first (muhaajiraat),...

Wearing Hijab is A Commandment from Allah

Wearing Hijab is A Commandment from Allah Do not be surprised before you read this book. · A female student asked a friend to accompany her daughter for a man facing lecturers in defending his dissertation for masters degree (MA). his friend said: "knowest thou not that we are living in the 20th century? · A female doctor at one hospital, when he wore the doctor away out of shame. The face and hair and clothes open. It's as if stripped of religion and shame is mandatory for medical tasks. · I had visited one of the relatives that I know always...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

To Muslimah Sister

To Muslimah Sister Muslimah Sister The enemies of Islam ceaselessly strive to keep Muslim women from Islamic religion of truth and this straight. In every place and opportunity they are always asking vile accusations addressed to the women mu'minah the sacred, they say that: "Islam is a prison for women" because women in Islam is obligatory in the house, not allowed out unless there is intent. " "Persistence of women in the home, undermine a country's economy." "Polygamy is an animal act." "Divorce is a despotism". "Muslim women were ill, full...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Who Told You to Wearing Hijab?

O Muslim sister, Who Told You to Wearing Hijab? To you, ukhti muslimah ...Where would you take it yourself?The glitter of the world?Shiny treasure?Or the good looks of a man?Although you have to open your headOrder to get everything you want,The humiliation that you get! O Muslim sister, who can tell for he was kept? For you ukhti muslimah ...Where would you take it yourself?To the glory of the soul?The pleasure of the creator?Or noble to be an angel heaven?Although the insult and contumely that should you receiveIn order to maintain hijab that...

Women Like Jewels

Women Like Jewels On last Sunday, Yanti and Sri went to the store looking for a new veil for Yanti decided to veiled three months ago. On the way to the store, suddenly Yanti see billboards on the roadside gem exhibition and a quick read through the window of public transport. "Sri, next week there is an exhibition of gems, let us see!" Said Yanti "It's going to buy gems? like you have money? "Ask Sri pessimistic tone. "No, just look around." Yanti said casually. "Ehmm. . . 'Reply Sri by pointing to the front lip as she brushed her long hair. "He...

Women Deleted her charity for not wearing hijab

Women Deleted her charity for not wearing hijab Someone who takes a false oath be upfront court is heavy sentence, let alone a false promise in front of Allah, of severe punishment in hell, that is until the hanging by her hair to boil his brain. Women think that not wearing the hijab is a minor sin is covered with a reward of more than prayer, fasting, zakat and hajj which they lakukan.Ini is the wrong way of thinking must be straightened. Women who do not wear hijab, not only has great sin to Allah, but has removed all worship as sound reward...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Risking Hijab Rather Than a Job

Risking Hijab Rather Than a Job Full name, Win Dwi Mandela. 27-year-old woman had to accept the bitter loss of jobs, in order to maintain the veil which he believed as a form of faith in their religion. Win that has been working as Physiotherapist since 2004 in West Bekasi Mitra Keluarga Hospital is thrown away by the hospital on the pretext that sought after. Yet for four years working in private hospitals, he claimed never to do harm violations of the company. Initially, Win is behaving like any other employee at Hospital Partners. It was common...