Monday, January 3, 2011

Hijab - Is Benchmark For Evaluating Muslim Personality

Hijab - Is Benchmark For Evaluating Muslim Personality The virtues of Hijab • Hijab it is obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Allaah has required obedience to Allah and His Messenger, based on the word of Allaah: وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا "And it is not proper for men who are not believers and also for women who mu'minah, when Allah and His Messenger have set up a provision, there will be for those options (the others) about their affair. And whoever disobeys...

Civilize hijab

Civilize hijabAllah says: "O Children of Adam, we have sent down to clothing to cover auratmu, and for jewelry. And that's piety clothing is best for you. "(Al-A'raf: 26) Islam is a religion of nature. Therefore, in all affairs of human life that is worldly, more Muslims to follow the provisions in accordance with human nature is perfect. Included in it is a matter of clothes. Islam never determine or impose a particular form of clothing for humans. Islam does not question the model of the clothes worn by a nation or a particular group of people,...

Sign in Parliament I Wear Hijab

Sign in Parliament I Wear Hijab Danish Muslims hope that the debate over Muslim women wear the hijab, according syar'i-political attitudes do not lead to a ban on the hijab. Hope that after the Danish Unity Party Enforcement stated his intention to open the door for Danish politicians who wear hijab, Asma 'Abdul Hamid, to enter the Danish parliament as a substitute member of parliament (Change Inter-Left). Asma 'Abdul Majid commented pernytaan Danish National Party, a minority party that carries the issue of banning the hijab: "I am not afraid,...

Hijab Revolution

Hijab Revolution After the events 9 / 11 Jilbab increasingly widespread. Not merely a matter of quantity veiled woman who jumped. However, many women also tinkering with a bandage covering aurat is the latest design. Of course, they still maintain the basic principle of hijab. Those who successfully combine the two, often called Hijabistas. One of them, Jana Kossiabati. He is the editor of a blog called Hijab Style, is a day filled with 2300 visitors from around the world, including Africa, Middle East, and the United States (U.S.). "I start two...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mixing Between Men and Women Within an Opportunity

Mixing Between Men and Women Within an Opportunity About ikhtilath or mixing between men and women within an opportunity often we find in society and the various opinions also appear in this issue from a totally did not allow absolute to which allows them to be too absolute. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi said that at the time of the Prophet and the women looked Khulafah Rasyidin perform Friday prayers at the mosque congregation and the Apostles. He also encouraged them to seek shaff at the end behind the men. Each shaff which is closer to the last part...

This is beauty fashion of the Most Merciful

This is beauty fashion of the Most Merciful A child who thinks her mother noticed strange behavior. He wondered why that would be out of the house, her mother always shut the whole body except face and palms. Even in the house too, if guests arrive, she immediately did the same thing: he was kept. "Mother weird!" He said, looking for reaction from the mother. The boy's mother had turned to her baby. He checked himself to find something that somewhat different. But, he did not find. "Weird? What's strange, dear? "Says the mother when it was convinced...