Monday, January 3, 2011

Civilize hijab

Civilize hijab
Allah says:

"O Children of Adam, we have sent down to clothing to cover auratmu, and for jewelry. And that's piety clothing is best for you. "(Al-A'raf: 26)

Islam is a religion of nature. Therefore, in all affairs of human life that is worldly, more Muslims to follow the provisions in accordance with human nature is perfect. Included in it is a matter of clothes. Islam never determine or impose a particular form of clothing for humans. Islam does not question the model of the clothes worn by a nation or a particular group of people, even Muslims acknowledge any form of clothing and direction of human life.

Islam has clearly set the boundaries of the closure of private parts for men and women. Islam requires the man to close his private parts with decent clothes, preferably from the navel to the knee, while for women, are required to close all of her body, except face and palms.

When viewed from many such cases of abuse morality, filth, and adultery, one reason is because freedom of women wearing clothes that are not polite, the teachings of Islam really is a most appropriate alternative solution.

Western-style clothing is designed not to cover the genitalia, but to bring lust. Decorate yourself wearing makeup instead of to her husband at home, but is intended to attract the attention of people on the street or public meetings. Taste of life because they were not guided by religion and more driven by desires, has led to cultural modes of their clothes are versatile wah, luxurious, and provoke lust.

As a result, relationships between men and women tend not to recognize self-respect and no longer based on faith and morality are commendable. Sitting alone with another type of quiet place very easily be done anywhere and by anyone. Thus, any act of adultery as if it was not considered a crime, as long as it is done with consensual between concerned.

Attitudes and dishonorable behavior as described above is very hated by Islam. So to prevent and just went, Islam has mensyariatkan headscarves for Muslim women.

Allah says:

"O Prophet, say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them extended veils all over their bodies. That is so they are more easily recognized so that they will not be disturbed. "(Al-Ahzab: 59)

This verse asserts that believing women are commanded to stick her head, which is wearing the hijab to cover his private parts. As for the meaning of the headscarf or hijab is a kind of baju kurung with a loose hood shape, which was designed in order to close the head, face, and chest. Models such clothes has been commonly used by the Muslim because it is a symbol of women's personal appearance Shalihah.

Messenger of Allah said, "O Asma ', when in fact she was menstruating (baligh) Inappropriate seen her except this and this. And he shows the face and hands. "(Reported by Abu Dawood and Ayesha)

Islamic Law requires women to wear headscarves, that dress really close genitalia, no longer for the women not to fall into a tool for Satan to harass teaser morality and human values. With appropriate clothing with Islamic rules that, at least will protect the wearer from the temptations of the devil which jelalatan on the streets. For women who wear hijab in general could feel a sort of constraint ourselves to not do things that are forbidden and denounced by the Islamic rules. In other words, the veil can be categorized as a controller of female behavior in order to save her honor from a variety of temptations and rongrongan devil.

In addition, with the closing of the genitals, Muslim women are not easily made the game by those who intend evil, especially the eyes of men who like to disrupt the basket and honor womanhood. In the woman's body is like no jewelry should be kept. If kept with a cover that meeting, the jewelry would be easy to be a target cast anyone. So, very different from women who liked to spit his private parts in public with clothes that could be inappropriate. Women's groups, as usual, will be easily accused of being a woman who is not noble and tasteful berakhlaq low.

Messenger of Allah said:

"One woman who took off his clothes outside the house, which is opening his private parts to another man, then Allah Almighty will peel the skin of the body of the woman." (Reported by Imam Ahmad, Thabrani, Judge, and Baihaki)

First, the veil which is the identity of Muslim dress was never a political issue while the countries that the majority population are Muslims. Even then, the Islamic community itself is generally still think that the hijab is the only exclusive clothing worn by the students in boarding school or students at religious schools. Now, thank God, the veil has been popular in the community and pushed into all layers of society; widely used by both students, student, students, employees, housewives and career women, in villages and in big cities.

Why do Muslim women dress up in modern times is still popular and considered suitable, either by the youth and the elderly?

Apart from the obvious Personality, the form of clothing hijab is never outdated, and will continue to exist or survive in the midst of society. Because, in fact Muslim fashion is not static. Is fine he is undergoing renovation or renewal mode that refers to the modernization, as it is now viewed by the designers of fashion, as long as it can not be separated from the rules that exist in the Qur'an and do not conflict with the values akhlakul karimah.

This fact we should be proud of, even more so in order to shield the women from competing modes of Western clothing is increasingly garish and not berakhlaq. The fact this can happen because of real Islamic law allows Muslim men to wear clothes with form and any model in accordance with the times and culture of his people, as long as it can serve to cover the genitals and does not lead to extravagance or pride or boast-megahan. For, the Messenger of Allah has warned: "God will not look with mercy on the Day of Judgement to those who wear the cloth (clothing) for pride." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever leaves a luxurious clothing-luxury because tawadhu to God, when he could afford it, then God will call him on the Day of Judgement in the face of all people to faith were told to choose their own clothes which she likes to wear." ( HR Tirmidhi)