Mixing Between Men and Women Within an Opportunity
About ikhtilath or mixing between men and women within an opportunity often we find in society and the various opinions also appear in this issue from a totally did not allow absolute to which allows them to be too absolute.
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi said that at the time of the Prophet and the women looked Khulafah Rasyidin perform Friday prayers at the mosque congregation and the Apostles. He also encouraged them to seek shaff at the end behind the men. Each shaff which is closer to the last part is more mainstream because of fear of male genitalia seem even more so most of them do not use pants .. and there is no barrier between men and women both barrier made of wood, cloth or the other.
At first the men and women enter from whichever door for them agreed that they looked solid when entering and leaving the mosque. Prophet said, "I wish you guys make a door for women." Then they also specialize a door for women after that are currently known by the name "Doors for Women"
The women at the time of the Prophet also attend Friday prayers, listen to sermons so that one of them managed to memorize a letter from oral Messenger Qaff because often hear from the pulpit Friday.
The women also attended the prayers of two holidays, large gatherings of Islamic collecting adults and children, men and women in a field while bertahlil and bertakbir. Narrated by Muslim from Umm 'Athiyah said, "We were ordered to exit the highway within two days, with closing the genitals and also the perawannya." ..
Formerly the women also attended a variety of teaching together with men. They were asked about various religious issues that often felt embarrassed by most women on this day so that Ayesha never praised the women Anshor that they are not hampered by a sense of shame to find out about their religion, such as about junub, dreaming, bath, menstruating, etc. istihadhoh other.
They have not had enough to get along with teaching men in a dialogue with the Prophet, for that they ask for him to make time (days) special for those who are not dominated and male together. They say openly, "O Messenger of Allah we have been defeated by the men while with you so make for us one day from you." (Narrated by Bukhari)
The women had participated in the battle to help the soldiers and militants in the things they are capable of and the position remains good for them, such as providing care, treatment, keeping those who were injured in addition to other assistance such as providing consumption and various equipment needed by the mujahideen.
From Umm 'Athiyah said, "I never fought with the Prophet as much as seven times of war. I was in the back while walking, I prepare food for them, treating the wounded and helping the sick. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Even once the women (friends) participating in various wars and battles of Islam to carry arms when there is an opportunity for them. Like what 'bint Nusaibah Amaroh Ka'ab in battle of Uhud, so the Prophet said about him, "His position is better than the position of so and so and so and so." Similarly, what is done Umm Sulaim holding a knife to be inserted against the enemy when he tries to approach it in time of war Hunain.
The women also participate in social life as a preacher who invite to goodness, called on the ma'ruf and prevent the evil, as the word of God:
"And those who believe, men and women, They will (is) be a helper for another sebahagian. they sent (do) that ma'ruf, prevent it from being evil. "(Surat At-Tauba: 71)
There is an event that is already famous as a Muslim woman against Umar in the mosque about the problems of dowry, so he may Allah be pleased to take the opinion of the woman by saying, "This woman is right and Umar is wrong." And this event is mentioned in Tafseer Ibn Katheer An Nisaa letter and said that isnaad good. Omar also pointed Syifa bint Abdullah al Adawiyah as treasurer of the market.
So the meeting between the men and women are not allowed and forbidden even to demands for a noble purpose, a search for useful knowledge, pious charity, kindness projects, jihad is obligatory or the other during the inside, it requires cooperation between the two types are in the planning , direction and implementation.
But that does not mean that it is eliminating the boundaries between the two types of this and forget about the signs Shariah at every meeting between them ... Among the signs-rambunya are:
1. Committed to always keep the views from both sides. Do not see the private parts, not looking at him with lust, not without a purpose melamakan view, the word of God:
"Say to those men who believe:" Let them hold the consideration to, and maintain his cock, which will be more sacred to them, Allah knows what they do ". Say to the believing woman: "Let them gaze, and his cock." (Surah An Nuur: 30 - 31)
2. The women are committed with appropriate clothing Shariah (hijab syar'i) as well as maintain embarrassed. Clothing that covers the entire body except face and palms, are not transparent and not tight.
"And do not they Appears jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. and let them wrap cloth at her chest crippled. "(Surah An Nuur: 31)
3. Commitment with Islamic courtesy especially in take action with men:
a. In speaking should avoid words that lead to the temptation or seduction, the word of God:
"Do not talk so create desire submission in person is a disease in his heart and say good words." (Surat al-Ahzab: 32)
b. In walking, as the word of God:
"And let them not strike his foot for jewelry in mind they hide." (Surah An Nuur: 24)
"Then came to Moses, one of two women walking shyly." (Surat al Qoshosh: 25)
c. In a move; not waddle like the women mentioned in the hadith, "The women who waddle to and fro." As well as avoiding ornate decoration of the women first, or even ignorance last.
4. Avoiding anything that can tempt or stimulating as perfume, jewelry colors that should be used at home rather than on the street or in the meeting with the men.
5. Be careful not to happen kholwat (both-be a pair) between men and women who do not have her mahram, as prohibition in the hadiths about it, like: "Surely the three is the devil." So there should not be kholwat between 'fire' and 'firewood' What's more, if kholwat happened to the husband's family emergency.
6. Let the meeting for purposes of something that requires the cooperation (among the men and women) without superfluous or too paved the woman out of her feminine nature, making it as the subject people, hinders them from the noble duty of care of the household and educating the next generation ( children). (Www.qaradawi.net)
As for limiting barrier between men and women by using cloth, wood and others not become a liability. That is because that at the time of the Prophet and his companions are not found anything like that. But they still can keep myself from going kholwat between the person giving instruction to the women who listen.
But if it is feared there slander between male and female participants in large gatherings such as weddings, tabligh monthly general meeting in place of a widespread or the other and also if the women are placed adjacent to the special seat of the men then use a divider between them is a better and more mainstream.