Monday, January 3, 2011

Hijab - Is Benchmark For Evaluating Muslim Personality

Hijab - Is Benchmark For Evaluating Muslim Personality

The virtues of Hijab

• Hijab it is obedience to Allah and His Messenger.

Allaah has required obedience to Allah and His Messenger, based on the word of Allaah:

وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا

"And it is not proper for men who are not believers and also for women who mu'minah, when Allah and His Messenger have set up a provision, there will be for those options (the others) about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he indeed has gone astray, with clear error. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 36)

Allaah also ordered the women to use the hijab as the word of Allaah:

وقل للمؤمنات يغضضن من أبصارهن ويحفظن فروجهن ولا يبدين زينتهن إلا ما ظهر منها

"And say to women who believe:" Let them gaze, and maintain his genitals, and they do not reveal her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. "(Surat An-Nur: 31)

Allaah says:

وقرن في بيوتكن ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى

"And let you stay in your house and do not be decorated and behave like ignorant people." (Surat al-Ahzab: 33)

Allaah says:

وإذا سألتموهن متاعا فاسألوهن من وراء حجاب ذلكم أطهر لقلوبكم وقلوبهن

"If you ask a (need) to them (the wives of the Prophet), then ask from behind the curtain. Such a way that it purer for your hearts and their hearts. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 53)

Allaah says:

يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن

"O Prophet! Say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers: "Let them extended veils over their bodies." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)

Messenger of Allaah upon yours respectfully said: "The woman aurat" means that she must cover her body.

• Hijab is' Iffah (glory)
Allaah made the obligation to use the hijab as a sign of 'Iffah (refrain from immoral).
Allaah says:

يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى أن يعرفن فلا يؤذين

"O Prophet! Say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers: "Let them extended veils all over their bodies. That is so they are easier to be known, because they were not molested. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
That's because they cover their bodies to avoid and refrain from bad deeds (sins), "because they were not molested." Then the wicked will not disturb them. And the word of God "and they will not be disturbed" as a signal that know the beauty of the female body is a form of disturbance in the form of slander and evil for them.

• Hijab is chastity
Allaah says:

وإذا سألتموهن متاعا فاسألوهن من وراء حجاب ذلكم أطهر لقلوبكم وقلوبهن

"If you ask a (need) to them (the wives of the Prophet), then ask from behind the curtain. Such a way that it purer for your hearts and their hearts. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 53)

Allaah menyifati hijab as a sanctity to the hearts of the believers, men and women. Because the eye does not see it hatipun if not eager. At a time like this, then the liver will not see more sacred. The absence of libel at the time it was more visible, because of hijab destroys the desire of people who have the disease in his heart, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

فلا تخضعن بالقول فيطمع الذي في قلبه مرض

"Do not talk so berkeinginanlah submission in person is a disease in his heart." (Surat al-Ahzab: 32)

• Hijab is a protective

Messenger of Allaah upon wassalambersabda:

(إن الله حيي ستير يحب الحياء والستر)

"Verily, Allah is Shy and Protect and Liking shame and protection"
Word of his others:

((أيما امرأة نزعت ثيابها في غير بيتها خرق الله عز وجل عنها ستره))

"Who among the women to undress in addition to his house, then Allah Almighty had ripped it from her home protection."

So the return worth the deeds.

• Hijab is taqwa
Allaah says:

يا بني آدم قد أنزلنا عليكم لباسا يواري سوءاتكم وريشا ولباس التقوى ذلك خير

"Son of Adam! Verily We have sent down to clothing to cover auratmu and beautiful clothing to jewelry. And clothing that's the best god-fearing. "(Surat al-A'raaf: 26)

• Hijab is faith

Allaah not spoken except to the women believers: "Say to the believing women." (Surat An-Nur: 31).

Allaah also says: "And the wives of the believers." (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)

And when the women of Bani Tamim meet Ummul Mu'minin, Ayesha may Allah be pleased with thin clothing, he said: "If you believe these women, then (know) that this is not the clothes women of faith, and if you're not a faithful woman , then please enjoy the clothes. "

• Hijab is haya '(shyness)

Messenger of Allaah upon yours respectfully said:

((إن لكل دين خلقا, وإن خلق الإسلام الحياء))

"Surely every religion has a moral and Islamic morality, it is a shame."

Word of his others:
"Shame is part of faith and faith is in heaven."
Word of the other Apostles:

((الحياء والإيمان قرنا جميعا, فإن رفع أحدهما رفع الآخر))

"Shame and faith coexist together, if one of them in the lift so that another party will be lifted."

• Hijab is ghirah (feeling jealous)

Hijab is in tune with the feelings of jealousy which is the nature of a perfect man who is not happy with that treasonous views set on the wives and female children. How many wars took place during the Islamic period of Ignorance and due to jealousy over a woman and to maintain his honor. Ali ibn Abi Talib radiyallahu 'anhu said: "It has reached me that you ladies jostling with men pagan people' ajam (non-Arab) in the markets, do not you feel jealous? Indeed there is no kindness to someone who does not have feelings of jealousy. "

Some terms hijab that must be met:
1. Covering all members of the female body, in the opinion of most rajih / light
2. Hijab itself is basically not jewelry.
3. Thin or thick and not transparent.
4. Loose and not narrow or tight.
5. Do not wear perfume.
6. Does not resemble kaafir women clothing.
7. Not resemble men's clothing.
8. Did not mean to show it off to people.

Do not be too over-decorated

If you look at the conditions mentioned above will appear to you that many of the women today who call themselves as veiled women, whereas in fact they have not covered. They do not call the hijab with the actual name. They named Tabarruj as immoral as the hijab and the name of obedience.

The enemies of the Islamic revival desperately trying to derail her, then God foiled their plot and confirms the people Mu'min above obedience to his Lord. They take advantage of her dirty ways to make her turn from the path of God to produce headscarves in various forms and named it as a "middle way" that with it he will get the pleasure of his Lord, as the recognition of them-and at the same time he can adapt to their environment and still maintain its beauty.

We hear and we obey

An honest Muslim who will receive the command of their Lord and immediately translate it in real charity, of love and perhomatannya against Islam, the Shari'a proud of him, to hear and obey the Sunnah of His Prophet and do not care about the state of misguided people who turn away from the fact that in fact, and will fail to return to his world. God denying the faith of people who turn away from obedience to Him and to His apostles:

ويقولون آمنا بالله وبالرسول وأطعنا ثم يتولى فريق منهم من بعد ذلك وما أولئك بالمؤمنين (47) وإذا دعوا إلى الله ورسوله ليحكم بينهم إذا فريق منهم معرضون (48) "

And they say: "We believe in Allah and the messenger, and we obey (both)." Then some of them turn back after this, once and again they were not people who believe. And when they are summoned to Allah and His Messenger, for apostles condemn (judge) in between them, suddenly some of them refused to come. "(Surat An-Nur: 47-48)

Another God's Word:

إنما كان قول المؤمنين إذا دعوا إلى الله ورسوله ليحكم بينهم أن يقولوا سمعنا وأطعنا وأولئك هم المفلحون (51) ومن يطع الله ورسوله ويخش الله ويتقه فأولئك هم الفائزون (52)

"Surely the answer to believers, if they are called to Allah and His apostles for apostles condemn (judge) in between them is saying: "We hear and we obey." And they are the ones who are lucky. "And he who is obedient to Allah and His Messenger and fear to God and to Him be cautious, they are the ones who get the victory. "(Surat An-Nur: 51-52)

From Shofiyah Syaibah bint said:
"When we were together A'ishah, he said:"

I remember going to the women of Quraysh and their virtues. "Aisha said:" Surely the women of Quraish has precedence, and for the sake of Allah, I do not see women more believe in the Book of Allah and more sure of his verses exceed Anshor women. When it comes down to them the verse: "And let them cover with a cloth veil to her chest." (Surat An-Nur: 31)

So the husband immediately went to their wives and read what Allah revealed to them. They read a verse to his wife, daughter, brother of the woman and her relatives. And no one among her unless he stood up to take a cloth curtain (curtain) and covering the head and face, because trust and faith in what Allah revealed in His Book. So they (walk) behind the Messenger of Allaah upon wassalamdengan fabric cover as if above their heads is a crow. "

Civilize hijab

Civilize hijab
Allah says:

"O Children of Adam, we have sent down to clothing to cover auratmu, and for jewelry. And that's piety clothing is best for you. "(Al-A'raf: 26)

Islam is a religion of nature. Therefore, in all affairs of human life that is worldly, more Muslims to follow the provisions in accordance with human nature is perfect. Included in it is a matter of clothes. Islam never determine or impose a particular form of clothing for humans. Islam does not question the model of the clothes worn by a nation or a particular group of people, even Muslims acknowledge any form of clothing and direction of human life.

Islam has clearly set the boundaries of the closure of private parts for men and women. Islam requires the man to close his private parts with decent clothes, preferably from the navel to the knee, while for women, are required to close all of her body, except face and palms.

When viewed from many such cases of abuse morality, filth, and adultery, one reason is because freedom of women wearing clothes that are not polite, the teachings of Islam really is a most appropriate alternative solution.

Western-style clothing is designed not to cover the genitalia, but to bring lust. Decorate yourself wearing makeup instead of to her husband at home, but is intended to attract the attention of people on the street or public meetings. Taste of life because they were not guided by religion and more driven by desires, has led to cultural modes of their clothes are versatile wah, luxurious, and provoke lust.

As a result, relationships between men and women tend not to recognize self-respect and no longer based on faith and morality are commendable. Sitting alone with another type of quiet place very easily be done anywhere and by anyone. Thus, any act of adultery as if it was not considered a crime, as long as it is done with consensual between concerned.

Attitudes and dishonorable behavior as described above is very hated by Islam. So to prevent and just went, Islam has mensyariatkan headscarves for Muslim women.

Allah says:

"O Prophet, say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them extended veils all over their bodies. That is so they are more easily recognized so that they will not be disturbed. "(Al-Ahzab: 59)

This verse asserts that believing women are commanded to stick her head, which is wearing the hijab to cover his private parts. As for the meaning of the headscarf or hijab is a kind of baju kurung with a loose hood shape, which was designed in order to close the head, face, and chest. Models such clothes has been commonly used by the Muslim because it is a symbol of women's personal appearance Shalihah.

Messenger of Allah said, "O Asma ', when in fact she was menstruating (baligh) Inappropriate seen her except this and this. And he shows the face and hands. "(Reported by Abu Dawood and Ayesha)

Islamic Law requires women to wear headscarves, that dress really close genitalia, no longer for the women not to fall into a tool for Satan to harass teaser morality and human values. With appropriate clothing with Islamic rules that, at least will protect the wearer from the temptations of the devil which jelalatan on the streets. For women who wear hijab in general could feel a sort of constraint ourselves to not do things that are forbidden and denounced by the Islamic rules. In other words, the veil can be categorized as a controller of female behavior in order to save her honor from a variety of temptations and rongrongan devil.

In addition, with the closing of the genitals, Muslim women are not easily made the game by those who intend evil, especially the eyes of men who like to disrupt the basket and honor womanhood. In the woman's body is like no jewelry should be kept. If kept with a cover that meeting, the jewelry would be easy to be a target cast anyone. So, very different from women who liked to spit his private parts in public with clothes that could be inappropriate. Women's groups, as usual, will be easily accused of being a woman who is not noble and tasteful berakhlaq low.

Messenger of Allah said:

"One woman who took off his clothes outside the house, which is opening his private parts to another man, then Allah Almighty will peel the skin of the body of the woman." (Reported by Imam Ahmad, Thabrani, Judge, and Baihaki)

First, the veil which is the identity of Muslim dress was never a political issue while the countries that the majority population are Muslims. Even then, the Islamic community itself is generally still think that the hijab is the only exclusive clothing worn by the students in boarding school or students at religious schools. Now, thank God, the veil has been popular in the community and pushed into all layers of society; widely used by both students, student, students, employees, housewives and career women, in villages and in big cities.

Why do Muslim women dress up in modern times is still popular and considered suitable, either by the youth and the elderly?

Apart from the obvious Personality, the form of clothing hijab is never outdated, and will continue to exist or survive in the midst of society. Because, in fact Muslim fashion is not static. Is fine he is undergoing renovation or renewal mode that refers to the modernization, as it is now viewed by the designers of fashion, as long as it can not be separated from the rules that exist in the Qur'an and do not conflict with the values akhlakul karimah.

This fact we should be proud of, even more so in order to shield the women from competing modes of Western clothing is increasingly garish and not berakhlaq. The fact this can happen because of real Islamic law allows Muslim men to wear clothes with form and any model in accordance with the times and culture of his people, as long as it can serve to cover the genitals and does not lead to extravagance or pride or boast-megahan. For, the Messenger of Allah has warned: "God will not look with mercy on the Day of Judgement to those who wear the cloth (clothing) for pride." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever leaves a luxurious clothing-luxury because tawadhu to God, when he could afford it, then God will call him on the Day of Judgement in the face of all people to faith were told to choose their own clothes which she likes to wear." ( HR Tirmidhi)

Sign in Parliament I Wear Hijab

Sign in Parliament I Wear Hijab

Danish Muslims hope that the debate over Muslim women wear the hijab, according syar'i-political attitudes do not lead to a ban on the hijab.

Hope that after the Danish Unity Party Enforcement stated his intention to open the door for Danish politicians who wear hijab, Asma 'Abdul Hamid, to enter the Danish parliament as a substitute member of parliament (Change Inter-Left).

Asma 'Abdul Majid commented pernytaan Danish National Party, a minority party that carries the issue of banning the hijab: "I am not afraid, that the debate over the hijab will enter the official political territory, with the lead ban on hijab in Denmark. Because this issue involves respect for personal freedom. And this is expressed by the Prime Minister of Denmark itself. He expressed no question with clothing. He also defends personal freedom for everyone to get dressed. Intervention means that leads to dictatorship. This is opposed in Denmark. "

Asma 'Abdul-Hamid Legislative Candidates get more votes than 3800 votes in November last year, but did not succeed, deny that the debate about the desecration of the Prophet cartoons in Denmark was the beginning of the movement ban on the hijab.

He added: "I'm not sure that the debate about the hijab developing and influencing public opinion Danish society. Because only the National Party of Denmark are carrying this issue openly. Though this party is a minor party. The foundation of democracy in Denmark is very strong. I'm not sure, that someone from Danish citizens to receive the intervention in individual freedom in dress. Since this is part of the main element of personal liberty. "

I will go to Parliament by wearing the hijab is "bi idznillah" / with the permission of Allah, and I will say loudly and will defend the rights of individuals directly in the parliament.

Hijab Revolution

Hijab Revolution After the events 9 / 11

Jilbab increasingly widespread. Not merely a matter of quantity veiled woman who jumped. However, many women also tinkering with a bandage covering aurat is the latest design. Of course, they still maintain the basic principle of hijab. Those who successfully combine the two, often called Hijabistas.

One of them, Jana Kossiabati. He is the editor of a blog called Hijab Style, is a day filled with 2300 visitors from around the world, including Africa, Middle East, and the United States (U.S.). "I start two and a half years ago," said of a British citizen born in Lebanon.

Jana said, have seen many blogs about clothing and many Muslim blogs. But, he did not find anything specifically to give guidance and discuss how Muslim women to wear clothes. This fact, pushed to create your own blog, Hijab Style.

Through his blog, Jana pour languishing in his head thinking about what was sought by the mainstream Muslim women and Muslim clothing that suits them and can be used anywhere. He also reveals a secret.

According to him, one reason why many young Muslim women to read blogs about the hijab because of Muslim clothing industry is not rare drought of ideas and inspiration. "A lot of comments in my blog that said, the veil that had been there too ethnic and very strange," he said as quoted by the BBC, Friday (14 / 5).

Jana added, more young Muslim women find clothes that make them separate from society. On the other hand, he said, events like 11 September 2001 attacks to give effect to the emergence of consciousness for Muslim women to veil.

"Our generation become more aware of their identity after a number of events like the September 11 attacks. We are faced with those questions about faith and our identity and how we view these events, "her said.

This condition, ignited Muslim women to decide to wear hijab. On the other hand, many of them wish they were wearing hijab designs fit the era. He said Islam did not set rigid rules about color and style of hijab.

According to Jana, Islam simply states that there are Muslim women's body parts that must be fully covered by clothing. "Otherwise, it's up to us," he said. Another figure is Hannah Simpson Tajima, clothing designer who embraced Islam five years ago.

At first, Hannah was embroiled in difficulties finding their own style of hijab, on the other hand he must comply with basic principles of hijab itself. "The first time wearing the hijab, I lost most of his identity. I want to keep wearing it, but in a certain way, " said of that Japanese and English background.

Hana says, he tries to find a design-try scarf as they wish. According to him, all the design in accordance with all the women who wear hijab. Now, he regularly incorporate design into his blog, Style Covered. "Veil can be very colorful."

The design was not only popular with Muslim customers. Many non-Muslims, said Hannah, who liked his work. Sarah Elenany, another designer, said the design is a celebration of culture and Islamic art. He wanted so people see, can be easily identified that the Muslim users.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mixing Between Men and Women Within an Opportunity

Mixing Between Men and Women Within an Opportunity

About ikhtilath or mixing between men and women within an opportunity often we find in society and the various opinions also appear in this issue from a totally did not allow absolute to which allows them to be too absolute.

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi said that at the time of the Prophet and the women looked Khulafah Rasyidin perform Friday prayers at the mosque congregation and the Apostles. He also encouraged them to seek shaff at the end behind the men. Each shaff which is closer to the last part is more mainstream because of fear of male genitalia seem even more so most of them do not use pants .. and there is no barrier between men and women both barrier made of wood, cloth or the other.

At first the men and women enter from whichever door for them agreed that they looked solid when entering and leaving the mosque. Prophet said, "I wish you guys make a door for women." Then they also specialize a door for women after that are currently known by the name "Doors for Women"

The women at the time of the Prophet also attend Friday prayers, listen to sermons so that one of them managed to memorize a letter from oral Messenger Qaff because often hear from the pulpit Friday.

The women also attended the prayers of two holidays, large gatherings of Islamic collecting adults and children, men and women in a field while bertahlil and bertakbir. Narrated by Muslim from Umm 'Athiyah said, "We were ordered to exit the highway within two days, with closing the genitals and also the perawannya." ..

Formerly the women also attended a variety of teaching together with men. They were asked about various religious issues that often felt embarrassed by most women on this day so that Ayesha never praised the women Anshor that they are not hampered by a sense of shame to find out about their religion, such as about junub, dreaming, bath, menstruating, etc. istihadhoh other.

They have not had enough to get along with teaching men in a dialogue with the Prophet, for that they ask for him to make time (days) special for those who are not dominated and male together. They say openly, "O Messenger of Allah we have been defeated by the men while with you so make for us one day from you." (Narrated by Bukhari)

The women had participated in the battle to help the soldiers and militants in the things they are capable of and the position remains good for them, such as providing care, treatment, keeping those who were injured in addition to other assistance such as providing consumption and various equipment needed by the mujahideen.

From Umm 'Athiyah said, "I never fought with the Prophet as much as seven times of war. I was in the back while walking, I prepare food for them, treating the wounded and helping the sick. "(Narrated by Muslim)

Even once the women (friends) participating in various wars and battles of Islam to carry arms when there is an opportunity for them. Like what 'bint Nusaibah Amaroh Ka'ab in battle of Uhud, so the Prophet said about him, "His position is better than the position of so and so and so and so." Similarly, what is done Umm Sulaim holding a knife to be inserted against the enemy when he tries to approach it in time of war Hunain.

The women also participate in social life as a preacher who invite to goodness, called on the ma'ruf and prevent the evil, as the word of God:

"And those who believe, men and women, They will (is) be a helper for another sebahagian. they sent (do) that ma'ruf, prevent it from being evil. "(Surat At-Tauba: 71)

There is an event that is already famous as a Muslim woman against Umar in the mosque about the problems of dowry, so he may Allah be pleased to take the opinion of the woman by saying, "This woman is right and Umar is wrong." And this event is mentioned in Tafseer Ibn Katheer An Nisaa letter and said that isnaad good. Omar also pointed Syifa bint Abdullah al Adawiyah as treasurer of the market.

So the meeting between the men and women are not allowed and forbidden even to demands for a noble purpose, a search for useful knowledge, pious charity, kindness projects, jihad is obligatory or the other during the inside, it requires cooperation between the two types are in the planning , direction and implementation.

But that does not mean that it is eliminating the boundaries between the two types of this and forget about the signs Shariah at every meeting between them ... Among the signs-rambunya are:

1. Committed to always keep the views from both sides. Do not see the private parts, not looking at him with lust, not without a purpose melamakan view, the word of God:
"Say to those men who believe:" Let them hold the consideration to, and maintain his cock, which will be more sacred to them, Allah knows what they do ". Say to the believing woman: "Let them gaze, and his cock." (Surah An Nuur: 30 - 31)

2. The women are committed with appropriate clothing Shariah (hijab syar'i) as well as maintain embarrassed. Clothing that covers the entire body except face and palms, are not transparent and not tight.

"And do not they Appears jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. and let them wrap cloth at her chest crippled. "(Surah An Nuur: 31)

3. Commitment with  Islamic courtesy especially in take action with men:

a. In speaking should avoid words that lead to the temptation or seduction, the word of God:

"Do not talk so create desire submission in person is a disease in his heart and say good words." (Surat al-Ahzab: 32)

b. In walking, as the word of God:

"And let them not strike his foot for jewelry in mind they hide." (Surah An Nuur: 24)

"Then came to Moses, one of two women walking shyly." (Surat al Qoshosh: 25)

c. In a move; not waddle like the women mentioned in the hadith, "The women who waddle to and fro." As well as avoiding ornate decoration of the women first, or even ignorance last.

4. Avoiding anything that can tempt or stimulating as perfume, jewelry colors that should be used at home rather than on the street or in the meeting with the men.

5. Be careful not to happen kholwat (both-be a pair) between men and women who do not have her mahram, as prohibition in the hadiths about it, like: "Surely the three is the devil." So there should not be kholwat between 'fire' and 'firewood' What's more, if kholwat happened to the husband's family emergency.

6. Let the meeting for purposes of something that requires the cooperation (among the men and women) without superfluous or too paved the woman out of her feminine nature, making it as the subject people, hinders them from the noble duty of care of the household and educating the next generation ( children). (

As for limiting barrier between men and women by using cloth, wood and others not become a liability. That is because that at the time of the Prophet and his companions are not found anything like that. But they still can keep myself from going kholwat between the person giving instruction to the women who listen.

But if it is feared there slander between male and female participants in large gatherings such as weddings, tabligh monthly general meeting in place of a widespread or the other and also if the women are placed adjacent to the special seat of the men then use a divider between them is a better and more mainstream.

This is beauty fashion of the Most Merciful

This is beauty fashion of the Most Merciful

A child who thinks her mother noticed strange behavior. He wondered why that would be out of the house, her mother always shut the whole body except face and palms. Even in the house too, if guests arrive, she immediately did the same thing: he was kept.

"Mother weird!" He said, looking for reaction from the mother. The boy's mother had turned to her baby. He checked himself to find something that somewhat different. But, he did not find.

"Weird? What's strange, dear? "Says the mother when it was convinced that none of her other than the other.

"Why did the mother to cover her hair, body, arms and legs if you want to exit? In fact, the mother is not disabled. Good mother's hair, arms and legs mothers had nothing to hide! "Said the boy was so palpable. Perhaps, this is his chance to be confusion over this issue.

The mother was smiling. He approached her slowly. While suck smile, the mother looking for answers right for the child.

"My son, the mother is not being covered beauty, let alone bad. Indeed, the mother was wearing a new beauty to beautify the physical beauty that is not how mothers. This is fashion beauty of the Most Merciful!! "Said the mother looking at baby in front of him that still looked puzzled.

The core of the dynamics of living children of men is to produce something beautiful. Good. Best. The beauty will be more beautiful when the work of a human child has been through many obstacles, trials, temptations; rubbing stone ring beauty beauty of charity toward a higher ranking.

However, that alone is not enough. Because of the beauty that can be produced by humans do not like the beauty of nature through the azure, the harmony of the firmament, and beautiful liukan a mountain.

The beauty of human charity does not stop at anything in sight. Indeed, the beauty will be increasingly valuable as he is no longer easily visible, not easily touched. That's the beauty of charity clothing of the Most Merciful, and only to the Most Merciful.