Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hijab Is a Aurat Cover

Hijab Is a Aurat Cover
Authors: Umm Ziyad

The discussion this time is the breakdowns of the previous articles that discuss Muslim headscarf issue appropriate Shari'ah at once answers to various comments entry.

Hijab is an important part of the shari'ah to be implemented by a Muslim. he not just the identity or be decoration only and is not a barrier to a Muslim to run his life activity. Using a hijab in accordance with guidace of the Pophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is required of every Muslim, same as other acts of worship such as prayer, fasting obligatory for every Muslim. he not a separate obligation due to local conditions such as some people say (because Arabic was dusty, hot and so on). He is also not the obligation, to certain circles (which already a pilgrimage or religious school).

Sisters wearing the hijab properly ... it is our duty as a Muslim. and in use we also should pay attention to what has been taught by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. As mentioned in previous articles, there are some requirements of the common uses of the veil in accordance shari'ah. May Allah make it easy writer clarify the points in the previous article.


In language, the dictionary al Mu'jam al Wasith 1/128, it is mentioned that the veil has several meanings, namely:

     Qomish (a type of cloak).
     Cloth that covers the entire body.
     Khimar (veils).
     Clothing tops like milhafah (blanket).
     Such blanket (read: scarf) who used a woman to cover her body.

As for the term, following the words of the scholars' about it.

Ibn Hazm rahimahullah said, "according to the Arabic Hijab mentioned by Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a garment that covers the entire body, not just the partially. "While Ibn Kathir said," Hijab is a kind of shawl which worn over the current khimar same function as izar (cloth cover). "(Shaikh Al Chldren ofthe Muslim headscarf).

Sheikh bin Baz (Standing Committee on Program Mausu'ah Fatawa wal Imamain) said, "Hijab is cloth placed on the head and body on the fabric (depth). Thus, the veil is a cloth that women used to coer the head, face and entire body. While the fabric to head covering called a khimar. So women cover up with a hijab, the head, face and all agencies on the fabric (depth). "(bin Baz, 289). He also said, "Hijab is a rida ' (shawl) is worn over the khimar (headscarf) as the abaya (women's clothing Arabia). "(bin Baz, 214).

In another place he said, "Hijab is a cloth that is laid women over the head and badannnya to cover the face and body, as clothing

In addition to the usual clothes (used at home). "(bin Baz, 746). He also said, "Hijab i all the coth used to cover the body of a woman. this fabric wear after wear dar'un (a type of cloak) and khimar (head scarf) with the aim of cover both places jewelry original (read: genitalia) or artificial (eg, necklaces, earrings, etc.). "(bin Baz, 313).

In a previous article, there is the question of what the difference between the hijab headscarf. Shaikh Al Bani rahimahullah said, "Every hijab is the hijab, but not all the hijab headscarf, as they seem. "So it is sometimes meant to be the meaning of the word hijab veil. The other meaning of hijab is something that covers or meghalangi himself, either a wall, r any other sketh. This is what is referred to in the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in Sura al-Ahzab verse 53, "O ye who believe, do not be entering houses prophet except when you are given permission ... and if you ask for something to purposes they (the wives of the Prophet), then ask from behind the veil ... "


1 Close All Except Excluded Agency

Allaah says,

يا أيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن ذلك أدنى أن يؤذين وكان الله غفورا رحيما

"O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and the wives Mu'min: 'Let them stretched veils all over their bodies.' That is so that they are easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is

Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surat. Al-Ahzab: 59)

وقل للمؤمنات يغضضن من أبصارهن ويحفظن فروجهن ولا يبدين زينتهن إلا ما ظهر منها ...

"Say to the believing women: Let their gaze, and cock, and they do not show her jewelry, except for the (usual) seems of him ... "(Surat. An Nuur: 31)

About the verse in Surat an-Nuur which means "except for the (ordinary) appear thereof", then there is a difference of opinion among scholars that carry different consequences about the legal use of the veil for Muslim women. For a detailed explanation, please see in an excellent article about this issue on the article in the Law Veils

From this first condition, it is obvious for a Muslim woman to cover the entire body unless otherwise exempted by the shari'ah. Thus, it is sad when someone is mean she wears a headscarf, but we can see the hair coming out either from the front or back, arm visible until a cubit, or neck and ears clearly visible to reveal the jewelry that should be covered.

Important notes in point is the use of khimar which is part of the shari'ah the use of the veil as contained in the next paragraph in the letter An Nuur verse 31,

وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن

"And let them into his chest to wrap khimar."

Khumur is the plural of the word khimar which means something that is used to cover the head. Unfortunately, the use of this khimar so often neglected by Muslim someone living on wearing hijab khimar or only just. In fact each required to be worn, as contained in the hadith of Sa'eed ibn Jubair about the verse in Surah Al Ahzab above, he said, "That is so they anchored her veil. while the his name is Qina veil '(crippled) above khimar. A Muslim is not lawful to be seen by strange men unless he should wear Qina 'above khimarnya which can cover the head and neck. "It is also present in atsar of 'Aisha radhiallahu'anha, he said,

لابد للمرأة من ثلاثة أثواب تصلي فيهن: درع و جلباب و خمار

"A woman in the prayer should wear three garments: dress, veil and khimar. "(HR. Ibn Sa'ad, based on the condition of Muslim saheeh isnad)

But there is relief for menopausal women who do not want to marry so they are allowed to remove her hijab, as contained in the letter An Nuur

verse 60:

والقواعد من النساء اللاتي لا يرجون نكاحا فليس عليهن جناح أن يضعن ثيابهن غير متبرجات بزينة وأن يستعففن خير لهن والله سميع

"And the old women who had been suspended (from menses and contain) the never wanted married (again), Nor sin upon them undress them with no (intended) jewelry show, and be polite is better for them. And Allah is Hearing, All-Wise. "

Radhiallahu'anhu Ibn Abbas said that what is meant by the word "clothes" in paragraph above is a "veil" and the same thing was said by Ibn Mas'ud. (Issued by Abu Dawud nd Al-Bayhaqi).

Can also note here, that the usage khimar worn before hijab is to cover the chest. So how can a person be said to wear hijab if only to the extent of the neck? Hopefully this is a muse for my sister as well.

Another important note of this point is the assumption that there is a women's clothing that is appropriate referred to are in the form of robes canal (longdress), so there are some Muslim women who impose self-connect to connect to said shirt and skirt wear clothes longdress. Daimah Standing Committee was asked about this, namely whether the veil should be "canal" or "Chunks" (no underwear tops and skirt). Then answer Daimah Standing Committee, "Hijab (read:hijab) either canal or piece, why not both (read: should) as long as it can cover as instructed and disyari'atkan. "This fatwa was signed by Abdul Aziz bin Baz as chairman and as a member of Abdullah bin Ghadayan (Fataawa Standing Committee Daimah 17/293, no fatwa: 7791, Maktabah Syamilah). Thus, it is clear about not true requires the assumption that most Muslim robe canal (longdress) for clothes Muslim. Remember this, O my sister!

2 Not Functioning As Jewelry

It is as contained in the letter An Nuur verse 31, "... And let them not jewelry show ... "When the veil and women's clothing worn to the genitalia and jewelry they do not appear, it is not appropriate when making clothing or veil that as jewelry due originally to cover the jewelry is lost. many errors arising from missed this point, so that a person feels fine wear veils and beautiful clothes with colorful soft with floral motif beautiful, decorated with threads of gold and silver or putting a variety of knick-knacks jewelry on their veil.

However, there is also a misconception that if someone is not wearing a colorful headscarf it means black scarf serves as jewelry. It is based on several atsar about the actions of the female companions at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam which wearing colored other than black. One is atsar of Ibrahim An Nakhai,

أنه كان يدخل مع علقمة و الأسود على أزواج النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم و يرا هن في اللحف الحمر

"That he was with Alqomah and Al Aswad never visited the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and he saw them wearing red coats. "(HR. Ibn Abi Syaibah in the book Al Mushannaf)

Note: This issue applies to women of color. As for men, there is a hadith which explain the prohibition of the use of red-colored clothing. Thus, a benchmark "Clothes jewelry or not is based on 'urf(habit). "(statement of Shaikh Ali Al-Halabi). Thus an attractive color or motif attention to a society then it is forbidden and this may not apply to other communities.

The fabric Thickness 3 Must, Not Thin Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said about the two groups that included experts Hell and he had never seen,

ونساء كاسيات عاريات مميلات مائلات رءوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة لا يدخلن الجنة ولا يجدن ريحها وإن ريحها ليوجد من مسيرة كذا وكذا

"Two groups of experts including Hell, I've never seen it, a people who have whips like cows, they hit the man with the whip and women who kasiyat (dressed but naked, either as thin or short that does not cover the private parts), mailat mumilat (stylish when running, want to be noticed), their heads like a camel's hump.

They do not go to heaven and not get the smell, but the smell was found with such and such a trip. "(HR. Muslims 3971, 8311 and Imam Malik Ahmad 1421 - see Al Furqan magazine Gresik)

Take this hadith and behold, O my sister, because the threat is so hard that the scholars put it in the big sins. How many Muslim women who as if to cover his body, but the essence is the naked. So the selection of materials the clothes we wear will also have to be considered because, as said by Ibn Abd al-Barr, "thin material can describe the shape of the body and can not be hide. "Shaykh Al Bani also confirmed," The thin (transparent) was more severe of curves depicting (but thick). "In fact we know, flimsy material sometimes easier to follow the curve of the body so that even non-transparent, the shape a woman's body becomes readily apparent.

4 Must Loose, Not Tight

Than fabrics are thick and thin, then the clothes should be loose, not tight, so it does not show the Muslim woman's body shape. This is as contained in hadith of Usama bin Zaid when he was given a thick shirt Qubthiyah by Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he gave it to his wife's clothes. when the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam know, he said,

مرها فلتجعل تحتها غلالة فإني أخاف أن تصف حجم عظمها

"Command that he wore in Qubthiyah behind it, because I was worried about the clothes it still can describe the shape of the body. "(HR. Ad Dhiya 'Al-Maqdisi, Ahmad and Bayhaqi with a hasan isnaad)

So it is not appropriate for someone living on the skirt, but it remains show hip, leg or calf. So if the clothes have quite thick and loose but still shows the shape of the body, it is recommended for a Muslim to wear in the lining. But do not suffice with long socks, because

This is not enough to cover the body shape (especially for the sisters who often lifted up her skirt when the motor so terlihatlah form of a calf). This point also be the answer for someone who allows use of pants with loose grounds and hips covered by a long shirt. Pants may be used for layers but not the core of the clothes we wear. Because the shape of the body remains visible and it resemble the clothing of men. (see point 6). If there is reasonable, so pants flexible. So, does he not know that the skirt even more flexible if it is appropriate requirements (do not imagine a tight skirt / span). Even if the skirt is not flexible (although originally flexible) if we assume our logic (which says more panties flexible) more true than the shari'ah that God and His Messenger set. Meditate O sister!

5. Not Given fragrance or perfume

Consider one of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about women related wearing fragrances when out of the house,

ايما امرأة استعطرت فمرت على قوم ليجدوا ريحها, فهيا زانية

"Those women who wear fragrance, then he passed men in order that they get the smell, then he is an adulterer. "(HR. Tirmidhi)

أيما امرأة أصابت بخورا فلا تشهد معنا العشاء الاخرة

"Anyone who wears bakhur women, then he should not be with us in perform the 'Isha'. "(HR. Muslims)

Shaykh Al Bani said, "it's fragrance in addition to there being used on the body, some are used on clothing. "Shaikh also reminded about the use bakhur (fragrances resulting from fumigation) which is more widely used for clothing even more ecifically for clothes. So we should be more careful in using any longer types of materials that can cause the fragrance to the clothes we wear out, such as clothing products are sprayed lubricant to soften and perfume the clothes (even in fact, smell the fragrance of these products are very pungent and easily smell when the wind). As with the products that are indirectly and can not be avoided to make clothing such as a scented detergent that is used when wash.

6 Not Resemble Men Clothing

There are hadiths which indicate the prohibition of a woman or a man resembling otherwise (not limited to clothing only). One of the hadith which prohibits resemblance in the matter of clothing is the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu'anhu, he said

لعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم الرجل يلبس لبسة المرأة و المرأة تلبس لبسة الرجل

"Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam cursed the man who wears women's clothes and women who wears men's clothes. "(HR. Abu Dawud)

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said, "The similarity in the case of birth resulting in common and similarity in character and deed. "With resemble men's clothes, then a women will be affected by the temperament of the man in which he will reveal his body and teached eliminate embarrassment for women. Even a severe impact if to bring to other sinners, that is carried masculinity, so that in the end like other women. Wal'iyyadzubillah.

There are two runways that can be used as a reference for us to avoid use of clothing that resembles the male.

     Clothes that differentiate between men and women.
     Closing of women.

Thus, in the use of appropriate clothing when facing non shari'ah mahromnya is not just the difference between men and women but not closed or simply closed but not differentiate the men's clothing. Both are inter-related.

The principle is not merely what is selected, the preferred and worn by men and the women.
Nor is it certain clothes that expressed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam or the worn by men and women in the past, he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
The type of clothing that is used as a cover is not specified (so that if someone wear long pants and shirts then hang up clothes and veil on it corresponding Shari'ah commands so her shape does not appear, then this kind is not why -pen)

In conclusion, the difference between the types of clothing men and women back to what accordance with what was ordered for man and what is commanded for women.

But keep in mind, this prohibition is in things that do not suit his nature. Shaikh Muhammad bin Abu Pebbles rahimahullah as quoted by Shaykh Al Bani said, "What is prohibited is the issue of clothing, gestures and others, instead of resemblance in kindness matters. "

7 Not Resemble Clothing for Women-Women Infidel

Many of the points that have been mentioned earlier to feel heavy to be implemented by a woman because it has been influenced by pagan women clothing. how we know, they (the disbelievers) love the shape and curves show, wearing clothes that transparent, no matter the resemblance women's clothing with men. In fact, sometimes they design clothing for women masculine! Only to Allah do we plead protection and ask for help to be kept away from the love of those who disbelieve.

Allaah says,

"Has not the time come for those who believe to submit their hearts to remember God and the truth that has come down (to them), and they do not like people who previously have been passed down the Book to him, and then pass, the they last long on their hearts become hard. And most of them are the wicked ones. "(Surat. Al Hadid [57]: 16)

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said, "The Word of God, 'Do not they like ...' an absolute prohibition of actions resemble them .... "(Al Iqtidha, quoted by Shaykh Al Bani)

8 Not Clothes For Looking Popularity

"Whoever wore syuhrah (to seek popularity) in the world, Allah dressed humiliation on the Day of Judgment, and then burn it with fire naar. " The libas syuhrah (clothing to find popularity) is any clothing worn with the aim to gain popularity among the people, both the expensive clothes, a person who used to take pride in the world and jewelry, and clothing low value is used to reveal a person with the purpose of asceticism and riya.

(Muslim headscarf)

But here it does not mean someone should not wear clothes that are good, or worth expensive. Because of the prohibition here as stated by Imam Ash Shawkani is sociated with the desire to gain popularity. So, which is used as a benchmark is the goal wear. Because Allaah likes if his servants to show pleasure

God has given him. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

إن الله يحب أن يرى أثر نعمته على عبده

"Allah loves to see the former pleasure if given by him is on a servant. "(HR. Tirmidhi)


So a little explanation about the meaning of the veil and the explanation of the points on Muslim hijab appropriate requirements of the Shari'ah. My sister ... let us not be deceived by all activities and words of people who tend to make a person feel not possible to use the appropriate veil shari'ah. Remember, that there is no friend in the end of the day who would bear the sins we commit. Only to God we ask relief when running all the worship that has disyari'atkan. Hopefully, this article also can answer a variety of questions and comments were entered in previous articles.
And Allah knows best.

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