Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Not Yet Ready to Wear Hijab

Not Yet Ready to Wear Hijab 

At times like this that have been advanced, a lot of nice clothing in accordance with the trend in the market. We can get the costumes at the mall, boutique, even though in traditional markets. But if the dresses were in accordance with Islamic law? 

The question is what should be contemplated by the Muslim women, and not simply as a 'reflection', but we have to do something that brings us to the good. Often heard the chatter of many young Muslim girl who said "I'm not ready to wear hijab .., mild liver'll give hijab behavior in accordance with the hijab is worn, then the hijab is real!" Good heavens ..... 

Obligation is clearly wearing hijab in the Qur'an Surat An-Nur verse 31: 

Say to the believing women: "Let their gaze, and maintains his cock, and they do not reveal her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. And let them put her veil cloth to her chest, and not to show adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, their husband's fathers, or their sons, or sons of their husbands, or brothers and their brothers, or sons of their brothers, or sons of their sisters, or female Muslim women, or those whom they have, or the servants of men who do not have the need (of women) or children who have not understood about the nakedness of a woman. And do they slapped his leg so that they are known to hide jewelry. and unto God ye repent, ye who believe that you're lucky. (QS Annuur: 31) 

In the verse, Allah Almighty has said to explain the duty of the Muslim women to wear hijab, close the aurat in accordance with Islamic Shari'a! 

Why, many Muslim women are afraid to wear the hijab for reasons not yet ready? exactly why they are afraid that such attitudes do not reflect the veil she wore? If not ready, continue when starting unprepared? if you have to be afraid, when there are changes for the better for us? so that the obligation to do so hindered because of thinking about the words of people, fear, and inadequate. Ga have people thinking about the words .... if it is an obligation that must be accomplished! intended only to immediately do so, bismillah ...! Ease will be with us because we're doing is the right thing and must ...! 

With the hijab ... we will put the brakes on the behavior of the negative things. There will be a self-realization on us to always behave in a positive .. "I still wear the veil but my behavior is negative". With the hijab, as a Muslim has to keep her honor. We should be proud as a Muslim, because Islam is an honor only women. Obligation for the Muslim veil is a rule which Allah has assigned to any benefit in it. With the veil of Allah SWT wills syar'i the glory of man as a noble creature. Conversely, a Muslim woman by not looking to follow his order, then the position of the human consequences of falling. 

A Muslim women must know the rules of dress and appearance that shari'a to please Allah SWT, not vice versa do tabarujj are not liked by Allah.. 

So whether it is still not ready to wear hijab according to Islamic Law? 

This paper spur us to do good things, which is God in His rules apply to us as a Muslim women. Hopefully, the motivation for myself and all readers, so that we become a shalihah Muslim women. Ameen .....


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